Measures Catalog
Measures Catalog
Data stored in pellucid can often be striated by measure groups. Below is a list of the most frequently used pellucid measure groups:
- Average Charge Measures - Measures that indicate the average dollar amount charged for a specific procedures
- Average Covered Charges Measures - Measures that indicate the average amount covered by payers and insurance
- Average Length of Stay Measures - Measures indicating the average time stayed for a specific procedure
- Average Total Payments Measures - Measures that indicate the average total payment for specific measures
- HCAHPS Measures - CMS measures that are used to report patient satisfaction and experience
- Health Care Costs Measures - measures designed to track the costs associated with procedures and hospital stays
- Home Health Measures - measures specific to home health entities
- IQI (Inpatient Quality Indicator) Measures - AHRQ measures used to express the quality of care given to inpatients
- Managed Care Measures - Domain measures that pertinent for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). They are rated in stars.
- Median Charge Measures - Measures that indicate the median (middle) dollar amount charged for a specific procedures
- Median Length of Stay Measures - Measures indicating the median (middle) amount of time stayed for a specific procedure
- Median Medicare Reimbursement (Hospital) (MS-DRG) - Measures indicating the median (middle) amount of dollars reimbursed by Medicare for specific procedures
- Number of Cases (Hospital) (MS-DRG) - Measures that track the number of procedures performed at the entity level
- Nursing Home Measures - measures specific to nursing home entities
- Observed Measures - Method of measuring the actual occurrence or unadjusted rate of a particular indicator. Used in some AHRQ measure categories
- Observed to Expected Ratio Measures - Method of measuring the comparison of the actual and risk-adjusted rates of events. Used across AHRQ measure categories
- PDI (Pediatric Quality Indicator) Measures - AHRQ measures used to provide a perspective on the quality of pediatric healthcare
- Population Measures - Include BRFSS and County Health Rankings measures, which record data regarding population demographics and density
- PQI (Prevention Quality Indicator) Measures - AHRQ measures used to identify quality of care for ambulatory care sensitive conditions.
- PSI (Patient Safety Indicator) Measures - AHRQ measures used to provide information on potential in-hospital complications and adverse events following surgeries, procedures, and childbirth
- Risk-Adjusted Measures - Method of measuring the occurrence rate of specific events, adjusted to account for the risk level of the entity. Used across AHRQ measure categories
- Utilization Measures - Measures include all payer inpatient charges and length of stay as well as Medicare inpatient charges, reimbursement and number of cases.
Measures by Data Type breaks down each of the measures showing what types of data we have available for them.
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