Data Changelog

Data Changelog


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 17Q1 - 17Q4

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 16Q4 - 17Q3

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 16Q3 - 17Q2

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 16Q2 - 17Q1

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 16Q1 - 16Q4

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 15Q4 - 16Q3

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 15Q3 - 16Q2

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid

Generally the new data covers 15Q2 - 16Q1

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added new batch of CMS hospital data to pellucid.

Generally, the new data covers 14Q4 through 15Q3

Data affects footnotes_values and entity_values


Added 94 new home healths to pellucid
affects the entities and entity_home_health tables

Closed 252117 based on becky's recommendations


Added new CMS Home Health Compare Data to pellucid2

503000 new entity_values rows

140000 new footnotes_values rows

batch_id = 'CMSHH14Q4_15Q3'


Added new Nursing Home Compare data to pellucid2.

1000000 new entity_values rows added

25000 footnotes_values rows added

batch_id = 'CMSNH20160201'


Inserted newest CMS Dialysis Facility run into pellucid2

Affects 118000 rows in entity_values

Affects 21000 rows in footnotes_values

batch_id = 'CMSDF20160201'


Inserted 32 new entity_clinics for NY into the entities and entity_clinics tables

Information verified and sent by the NY DOH


Brought over newest Nursing Home Compare data to pellucid.

Approximately 1,100,00 entity_values rows

Approximately 25,000 footnotes_values rows


Added 5 new measures for Star Ratings for Home Health data (HHCompare)


Home health patient experience survey summary star rating


Star Rating for health team gave care in a professional way


Star Rating for health team communicated well with them


Star Rating team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety


Star Rating for how patients rated overall care from agency


Added 67 new entities for home_healths starting with entity_id 1167196: Found through CMS Home Health Compare update

Added 51 new dialysis_facilities starting with entity_id 1167263: Found through CMS Dialysis Facilities Compare update

Added 36 new entities for nursing_homes starting with entity_id 1167160: Found through CMS Nursing Home Compare update

        Closed 9 nursing homes that are no longer reporting to CMS where entity_id in (227170,261208,236367,236515,238025,1166965,1166972,1160420,1166967)


Updated the names descriptions and default units of 124 measures where it had previously referred to "patients" when it should have said "cases". The measures include number of cases by MS-DRG, number of cases by CCS and number of medicare cases by MS-DRG

Updates were run in pellucid2.measures and pellucid_wntb,measures.

All entity_values related to these measures  had their units updated as well.


Added 12 new hospitals based on most recent CMS Hospital Data Compare: 



Introduced CMS NH data to pellucid2.  Over 1,000,000 rows of entity_values data and 25,000 footnotes_values rows introduced with the batch_id = 'CMSNH14Q315Q2'


Updated measures 12307, 12308, and 12309 to include IQR sig_var_nations for historical batch CMS20150101.  Missing sig_vars came to light as a result of digestible dev inspection of historical measure display


For Average Covered Charges (author_id AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_XXX) and Average Medicare Payment (author_id AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_XXX) measures I removed the text “(MS-DRG XXX)” from the end of the description_friendly field of the table and updated the other “DRG XXX” to “MS-DRG XXX”.


Removed the text;

"Hospital list prices (more commonly referred to as gross charges) are standard prices established by hospitals each year for all services. All patients are charged the same list price for the same service before applying discounts. The median refers to the midpoint of all charges. Charges are for facility services and accommodation and may not include physician or surgeon fees."

from any measures description_friendly where is was present. (measure IDs 15658, 15547, 15982, 15981, 15637, 15536, 15885, 15698, 15861, 15887, 15965, 16000, 16061, 16067, 16097, 15617, 15616, 15615, 15716, 15755, 16001, 15539, 16053, 15924, 15988, 14201, 14234, 14237, 14251, 14252, 14838, 14864, 14942, 14977, 15038, 15044, 15074, 14301, 14334, 14337, 14351, 14352, 10640, 10649, 10638, 10639, 10642, 10643, 10646, 10650, 10647, 10641, 10644, 10637, 12092, 10645)


updated 850 entity_dialaysis facilities to include a leading zero in their MPN

      This update affected pellucid2 and pellucid_wntb


Inserted new CMS data into pellucid2 and pellucid_wntb
-updated 900,000 rows in entity_values, batch_id like 'CMS20150901%'
-updated 815,000 rows in footnotes_values, batch_id = 'CMS20150901'

2015-08-25: Edited 1450 measures to remove a microsoft-specific spacing character that caused problems with display for projects.  This character only needed to be replaced with spaces.  Measures_copy and measures_copy_copy were created, but will be removed once we are confident they are not needed further

2015-08-19: Removed approximately 350 measures from the measures table that have not been populated with data since their creation

2015-08-05: Imported 1,000,000 rows for entity_values and footnotes_values batch_id = 'CMSNH20150801' 

2015-08-04: Updated entity_uccs with data from Oleg and the dev team.  Added approximately 6000 rows to entities and entity_uccs.  Entity_ids between 1161142 and 1166321

2015-08-03: added 43 nursing homes to pellucid2 and pellucid wntb (affects entities and entity_nursing_homes -comes as a result of updated data from CMS nursing home compare quarterly release)

Also closed 14 nursing homes (227126 227141 230544 230892 261207 261198 261195 261201 261202 239378 239379 239380 239381 240121)

  • updated QI measures to reflect correct author_measure_id 
  • removed any mention of RA/O/OE [ed: from where?]and just have them match the author denoted QI tag
  • IQI/PSI/PDI/PQI/NQI etc [ed: more detail here]

2015-07-22: Added 2 measures for CMS compare data: 

  • PAYM_30_HF Payment for heart failure patients 17208
  • PAYM_30_PN Payment for pneumonia patients 17209

Added 2 Home health footnotes from CMS data:

  • 147 There were problems with the data and they are being corrected.
  • 148 This measure currently does not have data or provider has been certified/recertified for less than 6 months.

2015-07-20: Added 98 new home_healths to entities and entity_home_healths based on most recent CMS Home Health Compare Data release

2015-07-17: Added 3 Measures for use with Home Health Compare Data

  • 261170 Home Health Quality of Patient Care Star Rating
  • 261171 How often patients, with a recent hospital stay, had to be re-admitted to the hospital
  • 261172 How often patients, with a recent hospital stay, received care in the hospital emergency room without being re-admitted to the hospital


Updated ny entity_hospital_attributes by removing old ones and inserting new rows for NY hospitals services, opcerts, and bed data


Reorganized measures table to include http:// where applicable for author_measure_specs field.  Previously, it had not been consistent


Added entity_physician_locations table.  Tracks all combinations of entity_ids and addresses.  Keeps track of all addresses where a physician operates.  Over 2 million rows added


Retired old physicians setup.  Renamed entity_physicians to entity_depricated_physicians.  New physicians table created using CMS Physician Compare data.  Structure is completely changed, and physicians page will be updated to reflect this shortly.  Over 900,000 physicians rows updated or added.  Old entity_ids archived as depricated_physicians

Also retired physicians attributes.  Old table renamed entity_depricated_physician_attributes.  New attributes added for CCN and specialties.  Over 2 million rows of data added for this table.  Structure remains unchanged


Added entity_uccs table to pellucid2.  This may or may not be used publicly for ucc geolocation apps.  Yet to be decided if the data will be added to public, but structure details to be added shortly


Inserted regional IL data for PNU readmissions area rates

batch_id = 'ILpnuregions20150615'


TK provided updated data for VTE measures that handles less_is_better evidence for composite.  This affects and updates data for STK, AMI, and other PROCESS of CARE measure calculations.  Batch_id for this update is 'CMS20150501STKAMIVTEpatch'


The Following Batch_ids were inserted with updates and corrections for IL data:

IL_BF_20150603Corrected Brest Feeding data for IDPH
IL_LOS_rerun20150608IL rerun of LOS measures
IL_edbypass20150608ED bypass data updated from Barbara Fischer
IDPH_update_2015060IDPH minor update
ILPCPupdate2012CHR update to physicians for IL
IL_Nurse_Update_20150610Nurse Staffing corrections for IDPH


Corrected Breast Feeding Data inserted for IL state under batch_id 'IL_BF_20150603'


Added IL Area level Risk Adjusted PQI data from becky.

Batch_id = 'IL_rapqi20150529'


Added new NY Maternity Data using Maternity_2015-05-26

Added patches to CMS data that include benchmarks and missing calculations:

Batch_ids are 



Added IL CT Scan data using batch_id = 'ILCT_20150511'

Updated CMS Hospital data, now has the batch_id = 'CMS20150501rerun'


Uploaded 1,000,000 rows of new CMS data to pellucid.  Corresponds with date range 2013-07-01 to 2014-06-30, and has been assigned the batch_id 'CMS20150501'

Also uploaded 900,000 footnotes rows with the same batch_id

Created 280 new entity_calculations.  Entity_ids between 261212 and 261491.  These are given to state and US territory averages for Low/Moderate/High/Very High/All volume hospitals.


Updated pellucid and alpha with new Illinois CDiff and MRSA data provided by IDPH

Measure 17200 added for H_STAR_RATING, the star rating value for all HCAHPS measures


Uploaded 1,000,000 new rows of data for CMS Nursing Home Compare.  Date range is CY2014.

Batch_id = 'CMS_NH20150501'

Updated pellucid and alpha with new Illinois CLABSI data provided by IDPH


400000 entity_values and 90000 footnotes_values added for refresh of CMS HH compare.

Affects pellucid and pellucid_wntb.  Entities and Entity_home_healths brought over to pellucid_wntb as well

Added 42 new nursing_homes to the entity_nursing_homes table (entity_ids 261170 through 261211).  Closed 7 older ones with outdated MPNs

These changes were made based on analysis of the CMS Nursing Home Compare Data release


New data added for IL AHRQ QI and OS/IS data. Batch_id = 'ILAHRQ_QI_OS20150430'


Added 31 hospitals to pellucid and pellucid_wntb based on TKs CMS run.  These hospitals had previously unrecorded mpn_ids


Added the following to entity_calculations to be used across all measures
"261061";"Average among “Very High” volume hospitals"
"261062";"Average among “High” volume hospitals"
"261063";"Average among “Moderate” volume hospitals"
"261064";"Average among “Low” volume hospitals"
"261065";"Average among All volume hospitals"

added 72 home healths to entity_home_healths based on HHcompare
-changes made to pellucid and p_wntb

Added 400 rows of data for manged care measure values.

(39 mcos accross 11 measures, some not reported)
batch_id = 'NY_mco_consumer_guide2014'


Created 36 new entities for MCOs in NY

also created 36 new entity_mcos for NY:

261022,Univera Healthcare: Commercial HMO
261023,HIP (EmblemHealth): Commercial HMO
261024,HIP (EmblemHealth): Commercial PPO
261025,HIP (EmblemHealth): Medicaid Managed Care
261026,Independent Health: Commercial HMO
261027,Independent Health: Medicaid Managed Care
261028,MVP Health Care: Commercial HMO
261029,MVP Preferred PPO: Commercial PPO
261030,MVP Health Care: Medicaid Managed Care
261031,CDPHP: Commercial HMO
261032,CDPHP Universal Benefits, Inc.: Commercial PPO
261033,CDPHP: Medicaid Managed Care
261034,MetroPlus Health Plan: Medicaid Managed Care
261035,HealthNow New York Inc.: Commercial HMO
261036,HealthNow New York Inc.: Medicaid Managed Care
261037,Aetna: Commercial HMO
261038,Aetna Life Insurance Company - New York: Commercial PPO
261039,Oxford Health Plans of New York: Commercial HMO
261040,Oxford Health Insurance of New York: Commercial PPO
261041,CGLIC/CHLIC: Commercial PPO
261042,WellCare of New York: Medicaid Managed Care
261043,UnitedHealthcare Community Plan: Medicaid Managed Care
261044,UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of New York, Inc.: Commercial PPO
261045,Empire BlueCross BlueShield HMO: Commercial HMO
261046,Empire BlueCross BlueShield PPO: Commercial PPO
261047,Excellus Blue Cross BlueShield: Commercial HMO
261048,Excellus Blue Cross BlueShield: Medicaid Managed Care
261049,Easy Choice Health Plan of NY: Commercial HMO
261050,Affinity Health Plan: Medicaid Managed Care
261051,Total Care, Today's Options of New York Health Plan: Medicaid Managed Care
261052,Fidelis Care New York, Inc.: Medicaid Managed Care
261053,Healthfirst PHSP, Inc.: Medicaid Managed Care
261054,HealthPlus, an Amerigroup Company: Medicaid Managed Care
261055,Univera Community Health: Medicaid Managed Care
261056,GHI (EmblemHealth): Commercial PPO
261057,Hudson Health Plan: Medicaid Managed Care

Created over 500 attributes for these new mcos, including:
counties served,

Created new measures for these mcos as well
17189:Adult Care MCO
17190:Cardiovascular Care MCO
17191:Care for Respiratory Conditions MCO
17192:Child and Adolescent Care MCO
17193:Diabetes Care MCO
17194:Maternal Health MCO
17195:Mental Health MCO
17196:Satisfaction with Adult Care MCO
17197:Satisfaction with Children's Care MCO
17198:Women's Preventive Care MCO
17199:Overall Care for Managed Care Organization MCO

Created a new measure_group for these measures:
measure_group_id: 144, MCO measures


Updated pellucid and alpha with new Illinois breast feeding data provided by IDPH


Updated pellucid and alpha with new Illinois hospital designations that were provided by IDPH


Updated pellucid and alpha with new Illinois nurse staffing and Emergency Department data provided by IDPH

Updated pellucid and alpha with Illinois hospital and ascs data provided by IDPH


Added Measure_id 17188, Emergency Department Volume to the measures table.  Tracks volume of patients seen by the Emergency Department of a Hospital as submitted through CMS


added dialysis measures to pellucid, pellucid_wntb, nyprofiles
(17171, 'Dialysis Facility Five-Star Rating'),
(17172, 'Percentage of Adult Medicare Hemodialysis Patients with Kt/V >=1.2'),
(17173, 'Percentage of Pediatric Medicare Hemodialysis Patients with Kt/V>=1.2'),
(17174, 'Percentage of Adult Medicare Peritoneal Dialysis Patients with Kt/V>=1.7'),
(17175, 'Percentage of dialysis patients with Hgb <10 g/dL'),
(17176, 'Percentage of Medicare Dialysis Patients who had an average ESA-Treated Hemoglobin Greater than 12.0 g/dL'),
(17177, 'Percentage of Medicare Hemodialysis Patients with Arteriovenous Fistulae in Place'),
(17178, 'Percentage of Medicare Hemodialysis Patients with Vascular Catheter in use for 90 Days or Longer'),
(17179, 'Standardized Mortality Ratio'),
(17180, 'Standardized Hospitalization Ratio'),
(17181, 'Standardized Transfusion Ratio'),
(17182, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Hypercalcemia'),
(17183, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Serum Phosphorus less than 3.5 mg/dL'),
(17184, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Serum Phosphorus between 3.5-4.5 mg/dL'),
(17185, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Serum Phosphorus between 4.6-5.5 mg/dL'),
(17186, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Serum Phosphorus between 5.6-7.0 mg/dL'),
(17187, 'Percentage of Adult Patients with Serum Phosphorus greater than 7.0 mg/dL')

Added the following Dialysis Facilty Compare footnotes
140;The number of patients is too small to report.
141;The facility does not provide hemodialysis to pediatric patients
142;CMS determined that the percentage was not accurate.
143;The facility does not provide hemodialysis
144;The facility does not provide peritoneal dialysis.
145;Not enough quality measure data to calculate a star rating
146;CMS determined that at least one measure included in the star rating calculation was not accurate for this facility


Created a table for entity_dialysis_facilities and imported 6000 rows of data for it


updated pellucid and pellucid_wntb with new geographic variation data created by becky for IOM measures


 located duplicate entries in entity_home_healths

-home health lhcsa 

-closed 312 duplicate home healths based on created date and max(entity_id)

-closed_date set to '2015-03-12' should they need to be reversed


Added batch_id to Becky's 4 most recent Home health CMS runs.

Added the data to pellucid2.entity_values and pellucid2.footnotes_values
-a bug was detected where percentile was missing for most recent batch
-she wanted to include ranking information in the values rows
-was best to just rerun entirely and replace
batch_id = 'CMS_HH20150301update'


updated pellucid2 with new NH rerun data that becky ran
over 3 million entity_values rows
about 1 million footnotes_values rows
affects previous 3 date ranges
batch_id = 'CMS_NHrerun20150226'


added new footnotes for
physical therapy staffing values
staffing values
for nursing home compare


Added 10 new hospitals based on LF Roster additions

select * from entity_hospitals where entity_id between 254683 and 254692


Added new CMS nursing home compare data to pellucid.  Relevant date range: 2013-10-01 to 2014-09-30

Batch_id = 'CMSNH20150201'


Added 2 new footnotes:
134 "This agency provides services to a special needs population."
135 "This agency provides services under a federal waiver program to non-traditional, chronic long term population."


Added 83 new nursing_homes to entity_nursing_homes based on CMS NH Compare data run


Replaced ED Acuity data for regional IL data


Added the following 3 measures:
-17168 CDI not my hospital
-17169 CDI possibly my hospital
-17170 Risk Adjusted CDI


Uploaded additional benchmark data to pellucid and pellucid_wntb.  This data has the batch_id 'CMS20150101_benchmarks' and is a supplement to 'CMS20150101'.  Overall, 80,000 entity_values rows and 200,000 footnotes_values rows were added


Uploaded 900,000 ev rows and 800,000 fv rows to pellucid and pwntb

Uploaded 30,000 ev rows and 30,000 fv rows to il database

All data associated with CMS data upload and given batch_id = 'CMS20150101'

uploaded IL observed PQI data striated by race (originally created by becky) to pellucid and IL map databases
Approximately 2600 rows added with the batch_id 'IL_opqi20150114'

Inserted new complaints data for NY as provided by NYDOH and John, measures 16501,16505,16506


Added the following measures to pellucid, idph, idph dev and live maps

(17162, 'Observed Asthma in Younger Adults'),
(17163, 'Observed Uncontrolled Diabetes'),
(17164, 'Observed Short Term Complications of Diabetes'),
(17165, 'Observed Lower Extremity Amputations'),
(17166, 'Observed Long Term Complications of Diabetes'),
(17167, 'Observed COPD or Asthma in Older Adults');


approximately 80 new hospitals added to pellucid2 and pellucid_wntb
entity_id between 254446 and 254526


created new measure for hcahps composite (17161)


Created and uploaded IL KPRO and CABG infections data into pellucid2 and alpha

batch_id = 'IL_CABGKPRO2013'


 Updated IL map data for Asthma, pediatric asthma, Diabetes (all, payer, and race)

Added new IL data for ED charges and Emergency Department rates

batch_id = 'ILED20141230', date range = '2011-01-01' to '2013-12-31'


Added the following to measures:

17159, PAYM_30, Payments for heart attack patients
17160, STK-10, Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients who were evaluated for rehabilitation services

2014-12-22: Added the following hospitals to p2 and pwntb








updated the mpns of the following:


2014-12-22:  Added the following measures based on CMS changes and data additions:

"17150","READM_30_STK ","Stroke (STK) 30-Day Readmission Rate "
"17151","READM_30_COPD ","Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 30-Day Readmission Rate "
"17152","MORT_30_COPD ","Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 30-Day Mortality Rate "
"17153","MORT_30_STK ","Acute Ischemic Stroke (STK) 30-Day Mortality Rate "
"17154","H_COMP_7_A ","Patients who ""Agree"" they understood their care when they left the hospital "
"17155","H_COMP_7_D_SD ","Patients who ""Disagree"" or ""Strongly Disagree"" they understood their care when they left the hospital "
"17156","H_COMP_7_SA ","Patients who ""Strongly Agree"" they understood their care when they left the hospital "

2014-12-15:  Added 1 new nursing homes and closed 32 based on information from NYDOH.  Used the following to close:

update entity_nursing_homes set closed_date = '2014-12-01'
where entity_id in (150305,150329,150717,150416,150560,150720,153980,150536,150909,150349,150552,150376,150290,

2014-12-09: Added the following measures based on the County Health Rankings 2014 data (for area level reporting)

17128 Drug Poisoning Deaths
17129 Premature Age-adjusted Mortality
17130 Other Primary Care Providers
17131 Ratio of Population to Other Primary Care Physicians

2014-12-08: Updated data from CHR2014 for IL measures 16505, 16411, and 12377.  Data also needs to be moved to dev_idph and live_idph RDS sites

2014-12-04: Added 3 new measures for NQI measures:

17125 NQI_1 Neonatal Iatrogenic Pneumothorax Rate

17126 NQI_2 Neonatal Mortality Rate 

17127 NQI_3 Neonatal Blood Stream Infection Rate

2014-11-24: Uploaded data for Stroke and Blood Clot composites for the most recent CMS Batch (batch_id = 'CMS20140801comp_stk_vte').  Added these measures to talend checks

2014-11-20:  Introduced 2 new composite measures for CMS data:

17123: Overall Stroke Care (COMP_STK)

17124: Overall Blood Clot Care (COMP_VTE)

2014-11-07: Reuploaded Home Health data with small bugs for composites and measure_id 17119 fixed.  Batch_id = 'CMS_HH20141101rerun'

2014-11-05:  Added Home Health compare data to pellucid from CMS (batch_id = 'CMS_HH20141101')

2014-11-03:  Added NH compare from CMS update (batch_id = 'CMS_NH20141101')

2014-10-31: Reuploaded HCAHPS and EDT CMS data from CMS20140801, which now includes sig_var_state

2014-10-29: Introduced sig_var_state to HCAHPS and EDT measures for the most recent CMS run ('CMS20140801%')

2014-10-22: Removed Duplicate home healths from pellucid. These duplicates were created during the CMS home_health data run and were caused by MPN mismatches. They seem specific to NY and have been saved in the even of a conflict with NYSprofiles data issues in the following tables:


2014-10-15: CMS states that it will not be issuing a full quarterly update in October, instead they will only be updating Value Based Purchasing and Cost Per Patient Measures

2014-10-01: Reupload of home_health attributes due to edits made by NYS

2014-09-30: Initial import of CMS home health compare data set. Leads to the creation of over 12000 home health rows nationwide

2014-09-23: It is decided that all edits made to attributes will require a wipe and a reupload, instead of pairing/matching existing attributes and inserting new. The only exception to this exists when there are minimal additions or value edits to a handful of rows

2014-08-13: update national values for OE PSIs and OE IQIs displayed on NYProfiles to have a denominator of 30 and a value of 1.  This was to have them display properly on the app

2014-08-11:  Replaced TKs CMS nursing home data (date_end = '2014-03-31') with updated values.  This was primarily due to a bug in the code that produced reversed rankings and percentiles.  New rows fixed this and provide data that includes new ranking and percentile data.  This bug only affects pellucid and NYSprofiles databases (dev, preview, and live)

2014-08-01:  Added measures 17088 through 17108.  They are new measures for NYDOH.  They are  very similar in title to CMS measures for NH, by NYDOH addes extra levels to the calculations (risk-adjustment of some measures, etc).  John feels it is best to store separately because of calculation differences.  They have been added to measure group 164 and should not be confused with the CMS Nursing home measures, group 163


Generated reports for values having a difference over 25% since last run, and their measure and entity_id distribution (file: 25percentdiffinvalues.xls)

Generated report showing measures where the threshold value is equal to the average value (should not be) and the value is not 0 or 100.  TK is reviewing

Generated reports for null counts by entity and null counts by measure (files: null_byentity_newandold20140801.xls and null_bymeasure_newandold20140801)

Generated reports showing the count of nulls to the total count for both measures and entities

Current issues uncovered: HCAHPS data does not have sig_var_nation generated: Resolved


Added 2 nursing homes: 

241576 St Josephs Hospital
241577 Vestal Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center

Closed 6 nursing homes:

150290 Erie County Home
150315 Vestal Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
150329 Arnot-Ogden Medical Center Residential Health Care Facility
150416 Blossom South Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
150542 Kinney Nursing Home

Updated home_healths using the following files from John Schoneboom sent 2014-07-22:

homes_health_not_in_pellucid, home_health_update, home_health_not_in_doh (See attached to this page)


Eight new hospitals introduced into pellucid2 based on data found in the CMS file.  Their entity_ids and information is as follows:


Added the following measures from CMS update:

17053 Admission Screening - Overall Rate17054 Physical Restraint - Overall Rate17055 Seclusion - Overall Rate17056 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge - Overall Rate17057 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge with Appropriate Justification - Overall Rate17058 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan - Overall Rate17059 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted - Overall Rate17060 Admission Screening - Children (1 through 12 years)17061 Physical Restraint - Children (1 through 12 years)17062 Seclusion - Children (1 through 12 years)17063 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge - Children (1 through 12 years)17064 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge with Appropriate Justification - Children (1 through 12 years)17065 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan - Children (1 through 12 years)17066 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted - Children (1 through 12 years)17067 Admission Screening - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17068 Physical Restraint - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17069 Seclusion - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17070 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17071 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge with Appropriate Justification - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17072 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17073 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted - Adolescent (13 through 17 years)17074 Admission Screening - Adult (18 through 64 years)17075 Physical Restraint - Adult (18 through 64 years)17076 Seclusion - Adult (18 through 64 years)17077 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge - Adult (18 through 64 years)17078 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge with Appropriate Justification - Adult (18 through 64 years)17079 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan - Adult (18 through 64 years)17080 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted - Adult (18 through 64 years)17081 Admission Screening - Older Adult (≥65 years)17082 Physical Restraint - Older Adult (≥65 years)17083 Seclusion - Older Adult (≥65 years)17084 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge - Older Adult (≥65 years)17085 Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge with Appropriate Justification - Older Adult (≥65 years)17086 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan - Older Adult (≥65 years)17087 Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted - Older Adult (≥65 years)
Removed the entity_hospices table and the entity_hospice_attributes table.Folded Hospice rows into entity_home_healths as a result of suggestions from John Schoneboom, Jaz King, and Ti-Kuang Lee2014-07-16:  Updated measure descriptions for measures 10049 through 10054 to read "kept clean" or "kept quiet" where applicable.  Also updated description long to remove text implying they may be composite measures2014-07-15: Added the following measures from Nursing Home Compare and Home Health Compare:
16984 Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16985 Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16986 Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16987 Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16988 Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16989 Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per Day
16990 Expected CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16991 Expected LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16992 Expected RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16993 Expected Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16994 Adjusted CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16995 Adjusted RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16996 Adjusted LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16997 Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day
16998 Cycle 1 Total Number of Health Deficiencies
16999 Cycle 1 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies
17000 Cycle 1 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies
17001 Cycle 1 Health Deficiency Score
17002 Cycle 1 Number of Health Revisits
17003 Cycle 1 Health Revisit Score
17004 Cycle 1 Total Health Score
17005 Cycle 2 Total Number of Health Deficiencies
17006 Cycle 2 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies
17007 Cycle 2 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies
17008 Cycle 2 Health Deficiency Score
17009 Cycle 2 Number of Health Revisits
17010 Cycle 2 Health Revisit Score
17011 Cycle 2 Total Health Score
17012 Cycle 3 Total Number of Health Deficiencies
17013 Cycle 3 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies
17014 Cycle 3 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies
17015 Cycle 3 Health Deficiency Score
17016 Cycle 3 Number of Health Revisits
17017 Cycle 3 Health Revisit Score
17018 Cycle 3 Total Health Score
17019 Total Weighted Health Survey Score
17020 Number of Facility Reported Incidents
17021 Number of Substantiated Complaints
17022 Number of Fines
17023 Total Amount of Fines in Dollars
17024 Number of Payment Denials
17025 Total Number of Penalties
17048 Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family
17049 Patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest)
17050 Patients who reported that their home health team gave care in a professional way
17051 Patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them
17052 Patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them
Added measure_groups and measure_groups_measures for NH_compare and HH_compare: 
161 HHA Outcome Measures (OBQI)
162 Home Health HCAHPS
163 Nursing Home Compare
2014-07-15: Edited existing Nursing Home and Home Health Measures so that author_measure_ids match the Measure IDs used in the CMS Nursing Home Compare and Home Health Compare Databases2014-07-08: Uploaded new complaints and citations data for NYprofiles, both hospitals and nursing homes were included in the update2014-06-10: Recalculated sig_var_state or sig_var_nation for EDT, costs/charges, and HCAHPS measures using the 0.5 IQR method instead of the 1.5 IQR method2014-05-10: Uploaded new CMS data from Quarterly CMS update2014-03-20: Inserted 2012 maternity data for NY hospitals2014-03-19: Added measure_id 16899 for CMS Value Based Readmissions Adjustment Factor2014-02-01: Added 150 new measures corresponding to AHRQ Observed/Risk Adjusted/Observed to Expected measures2014-01-20: Inserted new rows for TX and FL hospitals based on state discharge data:2014-01-08: Updated CMS HCAHPS measures.  CMS re-released an additional date range for Satisfaction measures2014-01-01:  Updated CMS hospital compare measures.  Batch_id like 'CMS20140101%'2013-12-17:  Added the following new measures into pellucid, from NYS report on Costs and Charges16641     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_065     Average Cost for Stroke (with complications)
16642     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_065     Average Charge for Stroke (with complications)
16643     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_101     Average Charge for Seizures
16644     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_101     Average Cost for Seizures
16645     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_192     Average Charge for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
16646     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_194     Average Charge for Pneumonia (with complications)
16647     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_195     Average Charge for Pneumonia
16648     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_192     Average Cost for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
16649     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_203     Average Charge for Bronchitis and Asthma
16650     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_194     Average Cost for Pneumonia (with complications)
16651     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_195     Average Cost for Pneumonia
16652     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_203     Average Cost for Bronchitis and Asthma
16653     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_247     Average Charge for Angioplasty (PTCA) with drug-eluting stent
16654     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_247     Average Cost for Angioplasty (PTCA) with drug-eluting stent
16655     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_291     Average Charge for Heart Failure (with multiple complications)
16656     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_292     Average Charge for Heart Failure (with complications)
16657     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_293     Average Charge for Heart Failure
16658     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_291     Average Cost for Heart Failure (with multiple complications)
16659     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_292     Average Cost for Heart Failure (with complications)
16660     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_293     Average Cost for Heart Failure
16661     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_313     Average Charge for Chest Pain
16662     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_313     Average Cost for Chest Pain
16663     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_343     Average Charge for Appendectomy
16664     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_343     Average Cost for Appendectomy
16665     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_392     Average Charge for Digestive Disorders
16666     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_392     Average Cost for Digestive Disorders
16667     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_419     Average Charge for Laparascopic Gallbladder Removal
16668     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_419     Average Cost for Laparascopic Gallbladder Removal
16669     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_470     Average Charge for Major Joint Replacement (hip, knee)
16670     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_470     Average Cost for Major Joint Replacement (hip, knee)
16671     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_639     Average Charge for Diabetes
16672     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_639     Average Cost for Diabetes
16673     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_690     Average Charge for Urinary Tract Infections
16674     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_690     Average Cost for Urinary Tract Infections
16675     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_765     Average Charge for Cesarean Section (with multiple complications)
16676     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_766     Average Charge for Caesarian Section
16677     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_774     Average Charge for Vaginal Birth (with complicating diagnoses)
16678     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_775     Average Charge for Vaginal Birth
16679     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_765     Average Cost for Cesarean Section (with multiple complications)
16680     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_766     Average Cost for Caesarian Section
16681     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_774     Average Cost for Vaginal Birth (with complicating diagnoses)
16682     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_775     Average Cost for Vaginal Birth
16683     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_795     Average Charge for Normal Newborn
16684     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_795     Average Cost for Normal Newborn
16685     NYS_AvgCharge_MSDRG_871     Average Charge for Septicemia (with multiple complications)
16686     NYS_AvgCost_MSDRG_871     Average Cost for Septicemia (with multiple complications)2013-12-17:  Added sig_var_state to ED timeliness measures.  Had to use the interquartile range method.  Made the update to p2 and to NYRDS areas2013-12-13:  Added new measures based on the December CMS release:
16621 STK-4 Ischemic stroke patients who got medicine to break up a blood clot within 3 hours after symptoms started16622 STK-5 Ischemic stroke patients who received medicine known to prevent complications caused by blood clots within 2 days of arriving at the hospital16623 STK-1 Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients who received treatment to keep blood clots from forming anywhere in the body within 2 days of arriving at the hospital16624 STK-2 Ischemic stroke patients who received a prescription for medicine known to prevent complications caused by blood clots before discharge16625 STK-3 Ischemic stroke patients with a type of irregular heartbeat who were given a prescription for a blood thinner at discharge16626 STK-6 Ischemic stroke patients needing medicine to lower cholesterol, who were given a prescription for this medicine before discharge16627 STK-8 Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients or caregivers who received written educational materials about stroke care and prevention during the hospital stay16628 VTE-1 Patients who got treatment to prevent blood clots on the day of or day after hospital admission or surgery16629 VTE-2 Patients who got treatment to prevent blood clots on the day of or day after being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)16630 VTE-3 Patients with blood clots who got the recommended treatment, which includes using two different blood thinner medicines at the same time16631 VTE-4 Patients with blood clots who were treated with an intravenous blood thinner, and then were checked to determine if the blood thinner was putting the patient at an increased risk of bleeding16632 VTE-5 Patients with blood clots who were discharged on a blood thinner medicine and received written instructions about that medicine16633 VTE-6 Patients who developed a blood clot while in the hospital who did not get treatment that could have prevented it16634 PC-01 Percent of newborns whose deliveries were scheduled too early (1-3 weeks early), when a scheduled delivery was not medically necessary16635 HAI-5 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (or MRSA) blood infections16636 HAI-6 Clostridium difficile (or C.diff.) Infections16637 PSI 04_CMS Rate of Death among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable Complications for Medicare Patients16638 PSI 90_CMS Complications/Patient Safety for Selected Indicators (Composite Score) for Medicare Patients16639 ACCPCIreadm American College of Cardiology Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Readmission Measure
2013-12-03:  Closed 36 hospitals based on the results of the 2012 AHA annual survey.  Used the following: update entity_hospitals set closed_date = '2012-12-31'
where aha_id in 
'6930085','6930248')2013-11-19:  Added 2 new measures for Nursing Home Compare.  Fine amount (16609) and Payment Denial Length in Days (16610)2013-11-18:  Added source_id 71 to value_sources and footnotes 121 and 122 to footnotes to account for data from the Nursing home compare database (CMS)2013-11-12:  Uploaded Provider data from the CMS Nursing Homes data set.  Added 15,300 nursing homes to entity_nursing_homes.  These are specific to states outside of New York2013-10-21:  Added new measures and data for national EHR adoption and HIE adoption.  Batch_id = 'EHR20131021'2013-10-21:  Added SPARCS data for NY Charges and Length of Stay to pellucid for CY 2011 and CY 2012.  Batches 'SPARCS2011' and 'SPARCS2012'2013-09-15:  Updated PSI 90, PSI 91, IQI 90, IQI 91 to include sig_var_nation2013-09-01:  Added sig_var_state values to charges and LOS data for NY State2013-08-15:  Added 15 New hospitals based on the July Leapfrog Results File2013-08-09:  Added new data for Census measures from Axis Maps2013-08-08:  Uploaded new data from CMS quarterly update.  Covers POC date range 2011-10-01 to 2012-09-302013-07-22: Added new measures for Pediatric Procedure counts.  To be used for NY Profile Reboot (ESQUIRE)2013-07-20:  Added new measures for Procedure counts.  To be used for NY Profile reboot2013-05-29: Uploaded new medlos and medcharges data to replace old data, added new values for average length of stay and average charges based on state discharge data.  3.3 Million rows total with the batch_id = 'MSDRG_medavg20130529v2'2013-05-29: Added 36 new measures for medLos, medcharges, avgLOS, and avgcharges for 9 new DRGs2013-05-23: Added 6 new entities into entity_calculations with the entity_type as 'total'.  This was added based on data sent by AHA for their HS files.  28 new measures were also created based on this file and can be found at: https://sites.google.com/a/ipro.us/pelliki/aha-measures2013-05-20: New practices added for Million Hearts Practices, the following new measures added, based on their specs:16128     Ischemic Vasular Disease Use of Aspirin or Other Antithrombotic
16129     Ischemic Vasular Disease Use of Other Antithrombotic
16130     Ischemic Vasular Disease Use of Other Antithrombotic
16131     Controlling High Blood pressure
16132     Ischemic Vasular Disease Blood Pressure Management
16133     Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Blood Pressure Management
16134     Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid Panel and LDL Control
16135     CMP Specific Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD) & Diabetes: Complete Lipid Panel and LDL Control
16136     Percent Smoking Cessation
16137     Smoking Cessation
16138     Practice TBD Smoking Cessation
2013-05-19: New IL AHRQ added to pellucid2013-05-16: 1478 new measures added for Average Length of Stay and Average Charges for 739 MSDRGs.  Measure_ids are between 14366 and 161272013-05-15: New CLABSI ICU, NICU, PICU data added for IL.  CY2012.  New Measure added: 14365, CLABSI in Cardiothoracic Unit 2.  Batch_id = 'ILCLABSI20130515'2013-05-14: Introduced new CMS data into pellucid and pellucid_wntb.  Over 800,000 rows loaded into entity_values and footnotes_values (each).  Batch_id = 'CMS20130430'.  Process of Care measure dates cover 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30.  Batch_ids later updated to CMS20130430a, CMS20130430b, CMS20130430c, CMS20130430d, CMS20130430e, CMS20130430f, CMS20130430g due to size limitations2013-05-13: Created new Measure for overall Healthcare Facility Onset Incidence Rate of Clostridium difficile infections (includes Molecular and Non-Molecular Infections).  Assigned to measure_id 14364.  Populated entity_values and footnotes_values for this measure and the MRSA measure (12285) for CY2012 for IL hospitals.  Batch_id = 'ILCDIFMRSA20130513'2013-05-10: Replaced and updated data for IL AHRQ race striations and IL Breast Feeding measure values2013-05-09: Added 200 new measures and 350,000 new values for hospital level average covered costs and average total payment. Source: CMS Medicare Provider Charge Data: http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Medicare-Provider-Charge-Data/index.html.  Batch_id = 'CMSCharges2011_20130509'2013-05-04:  Added 1.5 Million rows to entity_values for Median Stay and Median Charges for 739 DRGs across 18 states and the national average2013-05-03: Added 6 new CLABSI measures associated with IDPH reporting (Burn ICU, Trauma ICU, Cardiac ICU, CT ICU, Neurological ICU, and Neurosurgical ICU)2013-05-02: Added 1400+ measures to the measures table.  Applicable to Median Length of Stay and Median Charges for MSDRG diagnosis codes2013-04-24: Revised the hospital designations for IL hospitals based on designation details sent by IDPH2013-04-23: Uploaded new data for AHRQ measures for Maine and Illinois.  Based on state discharge data.  Batch_id = 'AHRQ_ILME20130423'2013-04-19: Uploaded data for the additional County Health Rankings Data measure set (measure_ids 12383 through 12395).  Batch_id = 'CHRaddl20130419'2013-04-19: Added new value_sources for Maine Discharge Data (source_id 65) and Utah Discharge Data (source_id 66)2013-04-18: Added new measures to the measures table and new authors to measure_authors.  Added were the following measures:
12383 Percent of the population not proficient in English12384 Percent of the Population with Diabetes12385 HIV prevalence rate12386 Child Mortality Rate12387 Infant Mortality Rate12388 Mental health providers oer 100,000 population12389 Health care costs12390 Uninsured adults12391 Uninsured children12392 The percentage of people who reported they could not see doctor due to cost12393 Percentage of Children Eligible for Free Lunch12394 Homicide Rate12395 Percentage of the population with access to parks
Author_ids 27 through 32 were also added
2013-04-17:  Added new data for IL nurse staffing. Batch_id = 'ILNurseStaffing20130416'.  Affects the following measures: 10665, 10666, 10667, 10668, 10669, 10670, 10671, 10672, 10673, 10674, 10675, 10676, 10677, 10678, 10679, 12038, 12039, 12040, 12041, 12042, 120432013-04-16: updated all 'Critical Access" values in entity_hospital_attributes to read as 'Critical Access AHA' and set the source to 'AHA'.  Created a new set of attributes called 'Critical Access CMS' based on CMS mpn_ids that are associated with the Critical Access Designation (select * from entity_hospitals where mpn_id like '__1%').  Critical Access hospitals have a 1 in the third position of their MPN2013-04-16: Added/updated County Health Rankings data for measures not specific to Whynotthebest.org.  Batch_id = 'CHR20130415'.  Measures contained the following: 10790, 10791, 10792, 10892, 12158, 12161, 12288, 12289, 12290, 12291, 12292, 12293, 12294, 12295, 12296, 12297, 12298, 12300, 12301, 12302, 12303, 12304, 123822013-04-15: Added the following measures, which were found in the County Health Rankings data12377     Primary Care Physicians per 100,000
12378     Dentists per 100,000 population
12379     Preventable Hospital Stays
12380     Diabetic Screening
12381     Mammography Screening
12382     Drinking Water Safety2013-04-15:
Data from CHR has been added for the following: 
1. Poor or Fair Health 12287 
2. Primary Care Physicians 12377
3. Dentists (this one is new to CHR) 12378
4. Preventable Hospital Stays  12379
5. Diabetic Screening  12380
6. Mammography Screening  12381
7. Inadequate Social Support 12299 

2013-04-10:  New SCIP values added for IL hospitals.  Date range 2011-10-01 to 2012-09-302013-04-09: Added new values for IL hospitals.  Includes Bypass, Emergency Dept, and LAMA data2013-04-08: Added new values for IL Hospital profiles, IL asc profiles, IL hospital bed counts, and IL Hospital Breast Feeding data2013-04-02: Added 106 new acos to the entity_acos table, which were made available through CMS' 2013 list2013-04-01: Edited IL map measures 12129,12135,12136,12137,10964,10967,10970,10973,10976,10979 to display 'per 10000' as the unit instead of the old unit, 'cases'2013-03-31: Edited IL map measures 12130, 12131, 12132, 12133, 12145, 12146, 12147, 12148 to display 'per 10000' as the unit instead of 'per 100000'2013-03-12: Edited the zipcodes table to include HRR and HSA information from Dartmouth2013-03-05: Entity_acos edited to include hospital address and location information.  Geocoding to follow shortly2013-02-21: Data added for 51 new MCO performance measures.  Test entity_values data uploaded and marked as private2013-02-15: Seven new hospitals introduced into pellucid2 based on data received and ongoing interactions with the Leapfrog Group.  Their entity_ids and information is as follows:
214802 University Medical Center Fresno, CA214803 Methodist West Hospital West Des Moines, IA214804 North Philadelphia Health System - Girard Medical Center Philadelphia, PA214805 Centennial Women's Hospital Nashville, TN214806 Franklin Woods Community Hospital Johnson City, TN214807 Niswonger Children's Hospital Johnson City, TN214813 Montefiore Wakefield Campus Bronx, NY
2013-02-12: AHRQ state data uploaded for Wisconsin.  Includes data for PSI, IQI, and PQI measures2013-02-07: HRSA data added regarding the distribution of Medical Doctors in comparison to area-level population.  Measure_ids: 12324, Active MDs 12325: Active MDs per 1000 population2013-01-28: Illinois ASC revenue data added for Calendar Year 2011, batch_id ILASCrev20112013-01-20: CMS data run introduced into pellucid2.  New Process of Care measures, with the date range 2011-04-01 to 2012-03-31.  The new data includes changes to the existing measures, the introduction of new measures, and the inclusion of more OP/ED, Hospital Acquired Condtions, and CLABSI data.2012-10-11: Accountable Care Organizations introduced into pellucid2 in the entity_acos table.  Currently contains information on the name of the ACO and the areas served

AHRQ QI Software Version:
For AHRQ indicators Q4 2008 through Q3 2009 Pellucid is using WINDOWS OR SAS VERSION NUMBER

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