Average Medicare Payment Measures
These measures describe the average total payments for a medical or surgical inpatient admission. The measures are separated by individual MS-DRG numbers and they can all be grouped under measure group id 56.
Acquiring data on CMS Average Total Payments
select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 56measure_id | drg | description_friendly | author_measure_id |
14264 | 039 | Average Total Payments for Extracranial procedures w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_039 |
14265 | 057 | Average Total Payments for Degenerative nervous system disorders w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_057 |
14266 | 064 | Average Total Payments for Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_064 |
14267 | 065 | Average Total Payments for Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_065 |
14268 | 066 | Average Total Payments for Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_066 |
14269 | 069 | Average Total Payments for Transient ischemia | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_069 |
14270 | 074 | Average Total Payments for Cranial & peripheral nerve disorders w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_074 |
14271 | 101 | Average Total Payments for Seizures w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_101 |
14272 | 176 | Average Total Payments for Pulmonary embolism w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_176 |
14273 | 177 | Average Total Payments for Respiratory infections & inflammations w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_177 |
14274 | 178 | Average Total Payments for Respiratory infections & inflammations w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_178 |
14275 | 189 | Average Total Payments for Pulmonary edema & respiratory failure | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_189 |
14276 | 190 | Average Total Payments for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_190 |
14277 | 191 | Average Total Payments for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_191 |
14278 | 192 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 192, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_192 |
14279 | 193 | Average Total Payments for Simple pneumonia & pleurisy w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_193 |
14280 | 194 | Average Total Payments for Simple pneumonia & pleurisy w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_194 |
14281 | 195 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 195, Pneumonia without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_195 |
14282 | 202 | Average Total Payments for Bronchitis & asthma w CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_202 |
14283 | 207 | Average Total Payments for Respiratory system diagnosis w ventilator support 96+ hours | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_207 |
14284 | 208 | Average Total Payments for Respiratory system diagnosis w ventilator support <96 hours | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_208 |
14285 | 238 | Average Total Payments for Major cardiovasc procedures w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_238 |
14286 | 243 | Average Total Payments for Permanent cardiac pacemaker implant w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_243 |
14287 | 244 | Average Total Payments for Permanent cardiac pacemaker implant w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_244 |
14288 | 246 | Average Total Payments for Perc cardiovasc proc w drug-eluting stent w MCC or 4+ vessels/stents | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_246 |
14289 | 247 | Average Total Payments for Perc cardiovasc proc w drug-eluting stent w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_247 |
14290 | 249 | Average Total Payments for Perc cardiovasc proc w non-drug-eluting stent w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_249 |
14291 | 251 | Average Total Payments for Perc cardiovasc proc w/o coronary artery stent w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_251 |
14292 | 252 | Average Total Payments for Other vascular procedures w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_252 |
14293 | 253 | Average Total Payments for Other vascular procedures w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_253 |
14294 | 254 | Average Total Payments for Other vascular procedures w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_254 |
14295 | 280 | Average Total Payments for Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_280 |
14296 | 281 | Average Total Payments for Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_281 |
14297 | 282 | Average Total Payments for Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_282 |
14298 | 286 | Average Total Payments for Circulatory disorders except AMI, w card cath w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_286 |
14299 | 287 | Average Total Payments for Circulatory disorders except AMI, w card cath w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_287 |
14300 | 291 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 291, Heart Failure with Multiple Complications | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_291 |
14301 | 292 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 292, Heart Failure with Complications | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_292 |
14302 | 293 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 293, Heart Failure without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_293 |
14303 | 300 | Average Total Payments for Peripheral vascular disorders w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_300 |
14304 | 301 | Average Total Payments for Peripheral vascular disorders w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_301 |
14305 | 303 | Average Total Payments for Atherosclerosis w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_303 |
14306 | 308 | Average Total Payments for Cardiac arrhythmia & conduction disorders w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_308 |
14307 | 309 | Average Total Payments for Cardiac arrhythmia & conduction disorders w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_309 |
14308 | 310 | Average Total Payments for Cardiac arrhythmia & conduction disorders w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_310 |
14309 | 312 | Average Total Payments for Syncope & collapse | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_312 |
14310 | 313 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 313, Chest Pain without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_313 |
14311 | 314 | Average Total Payments for Other circulatory system diagnoses w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_314 |
14312 | 315 | Average Total Payments for Other circulatory system diagnoses w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_315 |
14313 | 329 | Average Total Payments for Major small & large bowel procedures w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_329 |
14314 | 330 | Average Total Payments for Major small & large bowel procedures w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_330 |
14315 | 372 | Average Total Payments for Major gastrointestinal disorders & peritoneal infections w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_372 |
14316 | 377 | Average Total Payments for G.I. hemorrhage w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_377 |
14317 | 378 | Average Total Payments for G.I. hemorrhage w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_378 |
14318 | 389 | Average Total Payments for G.I. obstruction w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_389 |
14319 | 390 | Average Total Payments for G.I. obstruction w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_390 |
14320 | 391 | Average Total Payments for Esophagitis, gastroent & misc digest disorders w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_391 |
14321 | 392 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 392, Digestive Disorders | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_392 |
14322 | 394 | Average Total Payments for Other digestive system diagnoses w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_394 |
14323 | 418 | Average Total Payments for Laparoscopic cholecystectomy w/o c.d.e. w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_418 |
14324 | 419 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 419, Gallbladder Removal By Laparoscope without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_419 |
14325 | 460 | Average Total Payments for Spinal fusion except cervical w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_460 |
14326 | 469 | Average Total Payments for Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_469 |
14327 | 470 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 470, Major Joint Replacement | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_470 |
14328 | 473 | Average Total Payments for Cervical spinal fusion w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_473 |
14329 | 480 | Average Total Payments for Hip & femur procedures except major joint w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_480 |
14330 | 481 | Average Total Payments for Hip & femur procedures except major joint w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_481 |
14331 | 491 | Average Total Payments for Back & neck proc exc spinal fusion w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_491 |
14332 | 552 | Average Total Payments for Medical back problems w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_552 |
14333 | 602 | Average Total Payments for Cellulitis w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_602 |
14334 | 603 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 603, Cellulitis w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_603 |
14335 | 638 | Average Total Payments for Diabetes w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_638 |
14336 | 640 | Average Total Payments for Nutritional & misc metabolic disorders w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_640 |
14337 | 641 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 641, Metabolic Disorders | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_641 |
14338 | 682 | Average Total Payments for Renal failure w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_682 |
14339 | 683 | Average Total Payments for Renal failure w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_683 |
14340 | 684 | Average Total Payments for Renal failure w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_684 |
14341 | 689 | Average Total Payments for Kidney & urinary tract infections w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_689 |
14342 | 690 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 690, Urinary Tract Infections | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_690 |
14343 | 698 | Average Total Payments for Other kidney & urinary tract diagnoses w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_698 |
14344 | 699 | Average Total Payments for Other kidney & urinary tract diagnoses w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_699 |
14345 | 811 | Average Total Payments for Red blood cell disorders w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_811 |
14346 | 812 | Average Total Payments for Red blood cell disorders w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_812 |
14347 | 853 | Average Total Payments for Infectious & parasitic diseases w O.R. procedure w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_853 |
14348 | 870 | Average Total Payments for Septicemia or severe sepsis w MV 96+ hours | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_870 |
14349 | 871 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 871, Septicemia with Multiple Complications | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_871 |
14350 | 872 | Average Total Payments for Septicemia or severe sepsis w/o MV 96+ hours w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_872 |
14351 | 885 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 885, Psychoses | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_885 |
14352 | 897 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 897, Alcohol/Drug Abuse | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_897 |
14353 | 917 | Average Total Payments for Poisoning & toxic effects of drugs w MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_917 |
14354 | 918 | Average Total Payments for Poisoning & toxic effects of drugs w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_918 |
14355 | 948 | Average Total Payments for Signs & symptoms w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_948 |
14356 | 439 | Average Total Payments for Disorders of pancreas except malignancy w CC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_439 |
14357 | 203 | Average Total Payments for MS-DRG 203, Bronchitis and Asthma without complications or comorbidities | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_203 |
14358 | 379 | Average Total Payments for G.I. hemorrhage w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_379 |
14359 | 563 | Average Total Payments for Fx, sprn, strn & disl except femur, hip, pelvis & thigh w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_563 |
14360 | 482 | Average Total Payments for Hip & femur procedures except major joint w/o CC/MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_482 |
14361 | 536 | Average Total Payments for Fractures of hip & pelvis w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_536 |
14362 | 305 | Average Total Payments for Hypertension w/o MCC | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_305 |
14363 | 149 | Average Total Payments for Dysequilibrium | AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_149 |