Health Care Cost Measures

Health Care Cost Measures

These measures are reported Quarterly by CMS and are designed to track meaningful data regarding the costs of hospital procedures and the total cost of healthcare.


Acquiring Data for these Measures:

select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id 

and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id in (99,112)



14167AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_065Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction w CC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 065
14180AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_194Simple pneumonia & pleurisy w CC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 194
14189AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_247Cardiovasc Procedure w drug-eluting stent w/o MCC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 247
14190AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_249Cardiovascular procedure w non-drug-eluting stent w/o MCC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 249
14200AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_291Heart Failure with Multiple Complications: Average Covered Charges for DRG 291
14210AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_313Chest Pain without complications or comorbidities: Average Covered Charges for DRG 313
14221AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_392Digestive Disorders: Average Covered Charges for DRG 392
14226AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_469Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity w MCC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 469
14227AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_470Major Joint Replacement: Average Covered Charges for DRG 470
14229AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_480Hip & femur procedures except major joint w MCC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 480
14230AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_481Hip & femur procedures except major joint w CC: Average Covered Charges for DRG 481
14242AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_690Urinary Tract Infections: Average Covered Charges for DRG 690
14249AVGcovCHARGE_MSDRG_871Septicemia with Multiple Complications: Average Covered Charges for DRG 871
14267AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_065Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction w CC: Average Total Payments for DRG 065
14280AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_194Simple pneumonia & pleurisy w CC: Average Total Payments for DRG 194
14289AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_247Cardiovascular procedure w drug-eluting stent w/o MCC: Average Total Payments for DRG 247
14290AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_249Cardiovascular procedure w non-drug-eluting stent w/o MCC: Average Total Payments for DRG 249
14300AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_291Heart Failure with Multiple Complications: Average Total Payments for DRG 291
14310AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_313Chest Pain without complications or comorbidities: Average Total Payments for DRG 313
14321AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_392Digestive Disorders: Average Total Payments for DRG 392
14326AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_469Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity w MCC: Average Total Payments for DRG 469
14327AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_470Major Joint Replacement: Average Total Payments for DRG 470
14329AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_480Hip & femur procedures except major joint w MCC: Average Total Payments for DRG 480
14330AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_481Hip & femur procedures except major joint w CC: Average Total Payments for DRG 481
14342AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_690Urinary Tract Infections: Average Total Payments for DRG 690
14349AVGtotPAYMENT_MSDRG_871Septicemia with Multiple Complications: Average Total Payments for DRG 871
12115IOM_per_capStandardized Risk-Adjusted Per Capita Costs
12116IOM_Inpat_daysInpatient Days Per 1000 Beneficiaries
12117IOM_IMG_costImaging (IMG) standardized per user Medicare costs
12118IOM_LABTSTLab Tests (LABTST) service events per 1000 Medicare beneficiaries
12119IOM_EDEmergency Department Visits per 1000 Beneficiaries
16616IOM_per_capStandardized Risk-Adjusted Per Capita Costs
16617IOM_Inpat_daysIP Covered Days Per 1000 Beneficiaries of all ages
16618IOM_IMG_costImaging Per User Standardized Costs
16619IOM_LABTSTTests Events Per 1000 Beneficiaries of all ages
16620IOM_EDEmergency Department Visits per 1,000 Beneficiaries of all ages
16899VBPReadmissions Payment Adjustment Factor

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