Nursing Home Measures
Nursing Home Measures
Measures that are specific to Nursing Home entities. These measures are primarily associated with the CMS Nursing Home Compare Quarterly Data set.
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select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 142
and b.measure_group_id = 142
measure_id | name_friendly | author_measure_id |
10782 | Percent long-stay nursing home residents with a hospital admission | NHADM01 |
10783 | Percent short-stay nursing home residents with a hospital readmission within 30 days | NHADM02 |
10861 | Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowels or Bladder | NH3 |
10862 | Percent of Residents Who Are More Depressed or Anxious | NH4 |
10863 | Percent of Residents Who Have/Had a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder | NH6 |
10864 | Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight | NH7 |
10865 | Percent of Residents Who Spend Most of Their Time in Bed or in a Chair | NH8 |
10866 | Percent of Residents Who Were Physically Restrained | NH9 |
10867 | Percent of Residents Whose Ability to Move About In and Around Their Room Got Worse | NH10 |
10868 | Percent of Residents Whose Need for Help with Daily Activities Has Increased | NH11 |
10869 | Percent of Residents Who Had a Urinary Tract Infection | NH12 |
10870 | Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Had Moderate to Severe Pain | NH13 |
10871 | Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Have Delirium | NH14 |
10872 | Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Have Pressure Sores | NH15 |
10873 | Percent of Long-Stay Residents Given Influenza Vaccination During the Flu Season | NH16 |
10874 | Percent of Long-Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Given Pneumococcal Vaccination | NH17 |
10875 | Percent of Short-Stay Residents Given Influenza Vaccination During the Flu Season | NH18 |
10876 | Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Given Pneumococcal Vaccination | NH19 |
10877 | Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Have Pressure Sores | NH2 |
10886 | Number of Nursing Home beds per 100,000 population | NH_BEDS_POP |
12265 | Percent of short-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain. | NH_QM424 |
12266 | Percent of short-stay residents with Pressure ulcers that are new or worsened. | NH_QM425 |
12267 | Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine. | NH_QM426 |
12268 | Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine. | NH_QM430 |
12269 | Percent of short-stay residents who newly received an antipsychotic medication. | NH_QM434 |
12270 | Percent of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased. | NH_QM401 |
12271 | Percent of long-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain. | NH_QM402 |
12272 | Percent of long-stay high-risk residents with pressure ulcers. | NH_QM403 |
12273 | Percent of long-stay residents who lose too much weight. | NH_QM404 |
12274 | Percent of long-stay low-risk residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder. | NH_QM405 |
12275 | Percent of long-stay residents who have/had a catheter inserted and left in their bladder. | NH_QM406 |
12276 | Percent of long-stay residents with a urinary tract infection. | NH_QM407 |
12277 | Percent of long-stay residents who have depressive symptoms. | NH_QM408 |
12278 | Percent of long-stay residents who were physically restrained. | NH_QM409 |
12279 | Percent of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury. | NH_QM410 |
12280 | Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine. | NH_QM411 |
12281 | Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine. | NH_QM415 |
12282 | Percent of long-stay residents who received an antipsychotic medication. | NH_QM419 |
16609 | Fine Amount | NH_fine |
16610 | Payment Denial Length | NH_payden |
16961 | Overall Rating | NH_OVERALL_RATING |
16962 | Health Inspection Rating | NH_SURVEY_RATING |
16963 | Quality Measure Rating | NH_QUALITY_RATING |
16964 | Staffing Rating | NH_STAFFING_RATING |
16965 | RN Staffing Rating | NH_RN_STAFFING_RATING |
16984 | Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_AIDHRD |
16985 | Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_VOCHRD |
16986 | Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_RNHRD |
16987 | Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_TOTLICHRD |
16988 | Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_TOTHRD |
16989 | Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per Day | NH_PTHRD |
16990 | Expected CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_EXP_AIDE |
16991 | Expected LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_EXP_LPN |
16992 | Expected RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_EXP_RN |
16993 | Expected Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_EXP_TOTAL |
16994 | Adjusted CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_ADJ_AIDE |
16995 | Adjusted RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_ADJ_LPN |
16996 | Adjusted LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_ADJ_RN |
16997 | Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day | NH_ADJ_TOTAL |
16998 | Cycle 1 Total Number of Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_1_DEFS |
16999 | Cycle 1 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_1_NFROMDEFS |
17000 | Cycle 1 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_1_NFROMCOMP |
17001 | Cycle 1 Health Deficiency Score | NH_CYCLE_1_DEFS_SCORE |
17002 | Cycle 1 Number of Health Revisits | NH_CYCLE_1_NUMREVIS |
17003 | Cycle 1 Health Revisit Score | NH_CYCLE_1_REVISIT_SCORE |
17004 | Cycle 1 Total Health Score | NH_CYCLE_1_TOTAL_SCORE |
17005 | Cycle 2 Total Number of Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_2_DEFS |
17006 | Cycle 2 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_2_NFROMDEFS |
17007 | Cycle 2 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_2_NFROMCOMP |
17008 | Cycle 2 Health Deficiency Score | NH_CYCLE_2_DEFS_SCORE |
17009 | Cycle 2 Number of Health Revisits | NH_CYCLE_2_NUMREVIS |
17010 | Cycle 2 Health Revisit Score | NH_CYCLE_2_REVISIT_SCORE |
17011 | Cycle 2 Total Health Score | NH_CYCLE_2_TOTAL_SCORE |
17012 | Cycle 3 Total Number of Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_3_DEFS |
17013 | Cycle 3 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_3_NFROMDEFS |
17014 | Cycle 3 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies | NH_CYCLE_3_NFROMCOMP |
17015 | Cycle 3 Health Deficiency Score | NH_CYCLE_3_DEFS_SCORE |
17016 | Cycle 3 Number of Health Revisits | NH_CYCLE_3_NUMREVIS |
17017 | Cycle 3 Health Revisit Score | NH_CYCLE_3_REVISIT_SCORE |
17018 | Cycle 3 Total Health Score | NH_CYCLE_3_TOTAL_SCORE |
17019 | Total Weighted Health Survey Score | NH_WEIGHTED_ALL_CYCLES_SCORE |
17020 | Number of Facility Reported Incidents | NH_INCIDENT_CNT |
17021 | Number of Substantiated Complaints | NH_CMPLNT_CNT |
17022 | Number of Fines | NH_FINE_CNT |
17023 | Total Amount of Fines in Dollars | NH_FINE_TOT |
17024 | Number of Payment Denials | NH_PAYDEN_CNT |
17025 | Total Number of Penalties | NH_TOT_PENLTY_CNT |
17114 | Overall Long-Stay Care | NH_COMP_LS |
17115 | Overall Short-Stay Care | NH_COMP_SS |
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