Nursing Home Measures

Nursing Home Measures

Measures that are specific to Nursing Home entities.  These measures are primarily associated with the CMS Nursing Home Compare Quarterly Data set.

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select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id 
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 142


10782Percent long-stay nursing home residents with a hospital admissionNHADM01
10783Percent short-stay nursing home residents with a hospital readmission within 30 daysNHADM02
10861Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowels or BladderNH3
10862Percent of Residents Who Are More Depressed or AnxiousNH4
10863Percent of Residents Who Have/Had a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their BladderNH6
10864Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much WeightNH7
10865Percent of Residents Who Spend Most of Their Time in Bed or in a ChairNH8
10866Percent of Residents Who Were Physically RestrainedNH9
10867Percent of Residents Whose Ability to Move About In and Around Their Room Got WorseNH10
10868Percent of Residents Whose Need for Help with Daily Activities Has IncreasedNH11
10869Percent of Residents Who Had a Urinary Tract InfectionNH12
10870Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Had Moderate to Severe PainNH13
10871Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Have DeliriumNH14
10872Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Have Pressure SoresNH15
10873Percent of Long-Stay Residents Given Influenza Vaccination During the Flu SeasonNH16
10874Percent of Long-Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Given Pneumococcal VaccinationNH17
10875Percent of Short-Stay Residents Given Influenza Vaccination During the Flu SeasonNH18
10876Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Given Pneumococcal VaccinationNH19
10877Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Have Pressure SoresNH2
10886Number of Nursing Home beds per 100,000 populationNH_BEDS_POP
12265Percent of short-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain.NH_QM424
12266Percent of short-stay residents with Pressure ulcers that are new or worsened.NH_QM425
12267Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine.NH_QM426
12268Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine.NH_QM430
12269Percent of short-stay residents who newly received an antipsychotic medication.NH_QM434
12270Percent of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased.NH_QM401
12271Percent of long-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain.NH_QM402
12272Percent of long-stay high-risk residents with pressure ulcers.NH_QM403
12273Percent of long-stay residents who lose too much weight.NH_QM404
12274Percent of long-stay low-risk residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder.NH_QM405
12275Percent of long-stay residents who have/had a catheter inserted and left in their bladder.NH_QM406
12276Percent of long-stay residents with a urinary tract infection.NH_QM407
12277Percent of long-stay residents who have depressive symptoms.NH_QM408
12278Percent of long-stay residents who were physically restrained.NH_QM409
12279Percent of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury.NH_QM410
12280Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine.NH_QM411
12281Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine.NH_QM415
12282Percent of long-stay residents who received an antipsychotic medication.NH_QM419
16609Fine AmountNH_fine
16610Payment Denial LengthNH_payden
16961Overall RatingNH_OVERALL_RATING
16962Health Inspection RatingNH_SURVEY_RATING
16963Quality Measure RatingNH_QUALITY_RATING
16964Staffing RatingNH_STAFFING_RATING
16965RN Staffing RatingNH_RN_STAFFING_RATING
16984Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_AIDHRD
16985Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_VOCHRD
16986Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_RNHRD
16987Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_TOTLICHRD
16988Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_TOTHRD
16989Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per DayNH_PTHRD
16990Expected CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_EXP_AIDE
16991Expected LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_EXP_LPN
16992Expected RN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_EXP_RN
16993Expected Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_EXP_TOTAL
16994Adjusted CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_ADJ_AIDE
16995Adjusted RN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_ADJ_LPN
16996Adjusted LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_ADJ_RN
16997Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per DayNH_ADJ_TOTAL
16998Cycle 1 Total Number of Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_1_DEFS
16999Cycle 1 Number of Standard Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_1_NFROMDEFS
17000Cycle 1 Number of Complaint Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_1_NFROMCOMP
17001Cycle 1 Health Deficiency ScoreNH_CYCLE_1_DEFS_SCORE
17002Cycle 1 Number of Health RevisitsNH_CYCLE_1_NUMREVIS
17003Cycle 1 Health Revisit ScoreNH_CYCLE_1_REVISIT_SCORE
17004Cycle 1 Total Health ScoreNH_CYCLE_1_TOTAL_SCORE
17005Cycle 2 Total Number of Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_2_DEFS
17006Cycle 2 Number of Standard Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_2_NFROMDEFS
17007Cycle 2 Number of Complaint Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_2_NFROMCOMP
17008Cycle 2 Health Deficiency ScoreNH_CYCLE_2_DEFS_SCORE
17009Cycle 2 Number of Health RevisitsNH_CYCLE_2_NUMREVIS
17010Cycle 2 Health Revisit ScoreNH_CYCLE_2_REVISIT_SCORE
17011Cycle 2 Total Health ScoreNH_CYCLE_2_TOTAL_SCORE
17012Cycle 3 Total Number of Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_3_DEFS
17013Cycle 3 Number of Standard Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_3_NFROMDEFS
17014Cycle 3 Number of Complaint Health DeficienciesNH_CYCLE_3_NFROMCOMP
17015Cycle 3 Health Deficiency ScoreNH_CYCLE_3_DEFS_SCORE
17016Cycle 3 Number of Health RevisitsNH_CYCLE_3_NUMREVIS
17017Cycle 3 Health Revisit ScoreNH_CYCLE_3_REVISIT_SCORE
17018Cycle 3 Total Health ScoreNH_CYCLE_3_TOTAL_SCORE
17019Total Weighted Health Survey ScoreNH_WEIGHTED_ALL_CYCLES_SCORE
17020Number of Facility Reported IncidentsNH_INCIDENT_CNT
17021Number of Substantiated ComplaintsNH_CMPLNT_CNT
17022Number of FinesNH_FINE_CNT
17023Total Amount of Fines in DollarsNH_FINE_TOT
17024Number of Payment DenialsNH_PAYDEN_CNT
17025Total Number of PenaltiesNH_TOT_PENLTY_CNT
17114Overall Long-Stay CareNH_COMP_LS
17115Overall Short-Stay CareNH_COMP_SS

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