County Health Rankings Measures
County Health Rankings Measures
County Health Rankings measures are collected by County Health Rankings annually and include census data as well as information gathered by the CDC in their Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Acquiring data on All County Health Ranking Measures
select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 52
measure_id | description_friendly | author_measure_id |
12287 | Percent of adults that report fair or poor health (age-adjusted) | CHR_BRFSS13 |
12288 | Average number of reported physically unhealthy days per month | CHR_BRFSS8a |
12289 | Average number of reported mentally unhealthy days per month | CHR_BRFSS7a |
12290 | Percent of births with low birth weight (<2500g) | CHR_lowbirthweight |
12291 | Percent of adults that report excessive drinking | CHR_BRFSS14 |
12292 | Crude motor-vehicle related mortality rate per 100,000 population | CHR_MVD |
12293 | Number of Chlamydia cases per 100,000 population | CHR_STI |
12294 | The number of teen births per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 19 | CHR_teen |
12295 | Percent of population under 65 without insurance | CHR_UNINS |
12296 | Calculated averaged freshman graduation rate | CHR_HS |
12297 | Percent adults age 25-44 with some post-secondary education | CHR_PSED |
12298 | Percent of children (under age 18) living in poverty | CHR_childpov |
12299 | Percent of adults that report not getting social/emotional support | CHR_support |
12300 | Percent of children that live in single-parent households | CHR_singlepar |
12301 | Occurrence of Violent Crimes per 100,000 population | CHR_crime |
12302 | Recreational facility access rate per 100K population | CHR_rec |
12303 | Percent of people with limited access to health foods | CHR_limhealthfood |
12304 | Percent of restaurants that are fast food restaurants | CHR_fastfood |
12377 | The number of Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 population, as reported by the County Health Rankings Annual Report | CHR_PCP |
12378 | The number of Dentists per 100,000 population, as reported by the County Health Rankings Annual Report | CHR_Dent |
12379 | The number of discharges for ambulatory care sensitive conditions as compared to the number of Medicare Enrollees (per 1000) | CHR_PHS |
12380 | Percent of Diabetic Medicare enrollees receiving HbA1c test | CHR_DIA |
12381 | Percent of female Medicare enrollees having at least 1 mammogram in 2 yrs (age 67-69) | CHR_MAM |
12382 | Indicates the percentage of the population affected by drinking water safety violations | CHR_water |
12383 | The percent of the population within an area that do not describe themselves as 'proficient' in english | CHR_english |
12384 | The percentage of people within an area that are reported to have Diabetes | CHR_percDIA |
12385 | The amount of people reported as being HIV positive in an area as compared to the population of that area | CHR_HIV |
12386 | The area-level mortality rate for children under the age of 18 | CHR_chiMORT |
12387 | The area-level mortality rate for infants under the age of 1 year | CHR_infMORT |
12388 | The number of Mental health providers for every 100,000 people in an area's population | CHR_MHP |
12389 | The cost of Healthcare within an area | CHR_Healthcost |
12390 | Percent of Adults in an area who are uninsured | CHR_percUNINS |
12391 | Percentage of children in an area that do not have Health Insurance | CHR_uninsPED |
12392 | The percentage of people who responded to the survey saying that they were unable to afford to see a doctor | CHR_nodrCOST |
12393 | The percentage of children in an area that qualify for a free lunch program | CHR_lunch |
12394 | The amount of Homicides that have occurred per 100,000 inhabitants | CHR_homicide |
12395 | The percentage of people living within an area that have access to park facilities | CHR_park |
17128 | Drug Poisoning Deaths | CHR_drug |
17129 | Premature Age-adjusted Mortality | CHR_preM_mort |
17130 | Other Primary Care Providers | CHR_PCP_other |
17131 | Ratio of Population to Other Primary Care Physicians | CHR_opcpratio |
For more information, please visit: http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/about-project