HCAHPS Patient Survey Measures

HCAHPS measures are percentage measures that track patient satisfaction with their hospital experience.  They are released by CMS  and document how favorably patients view their time at a hospital.  Generally, measures are split up into 3 similar measures, such as 'Room ALWAYS kept clean', 'Room USUALLY kept clean', and 'Room SOMETIMES kept clean' and are associated with a numeric value between 1 and 10, with 10 being high.

This data is a Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems that gets updated quarterly. It is dissimilar to other measures in the CMS Quarterly update because it is all-payer data. Data is available from Q3 2006 onward at the hospital, county, HRR, state and national levels. Reference: http://www.hcahpsonline.org/home.aspx

Helpful Queries

Acquiring data on All Patient Satisfaction Measures 

select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id 
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 4

Acquiring data on 'Always' Patient Satisfaction Measures (used commonly by Whynotthebest and NYprofiles)

select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id 
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 13


10029How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 6 or lower.H_HSP_RATING_0_6
10030How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 7 or 8.H_HSP_RATING_7_8
10031How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 9 or 10.H_HSP_RATING_9_10
10034How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors always communicated wellH_COMP_2_A_P
10035How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors sometimes or never communicated wellH_COMP_2_SN_P
10036How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors usually communicated wellH_COMP_2_U_P
10037How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses always communicated wellH_COMP_1_A_P
10038How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses sometimes or never communicated wellH_COMP_1_SN_P
10039How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses usually communicated wellH_COMP_1_U_P
10040How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients always received help as soon as they wantedH_COMP_3_A_P
10041How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients sometimes or never received help as soon as they wantedH_COMP_3_SN_P
10042How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients usually received help as soon as they wantedH_COMP_3_U_P
10043How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff always explainedH_COMP_5_A_P
10044How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff sometimes or never explainedH_COMP_5_SN_P
10045How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff usually explainedH_COMP_5_U_P
10046How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was always well controlledH_COMP_4_A_P
10047How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was sometimes or never well controlledH_COMP_4_SN_P
10048How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was usually well controlledH_COMP_4_U_P
10049How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Always quiet at nightH_QUIET_HSP_A_P
10050How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Sometimes or never quiet at nightH_QUIET_HSP_SN_P
10051How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Usually quiet at nightH_QUIET_HSP_U_P
10052How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was always cleanH_CLEAN_HSP_A_P
10053How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was sometimes or never cleanH_CLEAN_HSP_SN_P
10054How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was usually cleanH_CLEAN_HSP_U_P
10055Were patients given information about what to do during their recovery at home? No, staff did not give patients the informationH_COMP_6_N_P
10056Were patients given information about what to do during their recovery at home? Yes, staff did give patients this informationH_COMP_6_Y_P
10057Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? No, patients would not recommend the hospital (they probably would not or definitely would not recommend it).H_RECMND_DN
10058Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? Yes, patients would definitely recommend the hospitalH_RECMND_DY
10059Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? Yes, patients would probably recommend the hospitalH_RECMND_PY
17154Patients who "Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospitalH_COMP_7_A
17155Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" they understood their care when they left the hospitalH_COMP_7_D_SD
17156Patients who "Strongly Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospitalH_COMP_7_SA
17200Summary Star RatingH_STAR_RATING