Experience Measures

Experience Measures

Experience Measures are meant to track patient satisfaction with hospital performance.  They indicate how positive or negative a patient's perception of their care is or was.

The most common example of experience measures are the HCAHPS Measures for patient satisfaction, which are part of the CMS Hospital Compare Quarterly data release.  These measures have patients rating their satisfaction with the care they received. 

The main groups of Experience Measures are:

  • Hospital Compare HCAHPS Experience Measures
  • Home Health Compare Experience Measures
  • MCO Experience Measures


Hospital Experience Measures: 


10029H_HSP_RATING_0_6Overall Rating of 6 or lower
10030H_HSP_RATING_7_8Overall Rating of 7 or 8
10031H_HSP_RATING_9_10Percent of Patients Highly Satisfied
10034H_COMP_2_A_PDoctors Always Communicated Well
10035H_COMP_2_SN_PDoctors sometimes or never communicated well
10036H_COMP_2_U_PDoctors usually communicated well
10037H_COMP_1_A_PNurses Always Communicated Well
10038H_COMP_1_SN_PNurses sometimes or never communicated well
10039H_COMP_1_U_PNurses usually communicated well
10040H_COMP_3_A_PPatients Always Received Help As Soon As They Wanted
10041H_COMP_3_SN_PPatients sometimes or never received help as soon as they wanted
10042H_COMP_3_U_PPatients usually received help as soon as they wanted
10043H_COMP_5_A_PStaff Always Explained About Medicines
10044H_COMP_5_SN_PStaff sometimes or never explained about medicines
10045H_COMP_5_U_PStaff usually explained about medicines
10046H_COMP_4_A_PPain Was Always Well Controlled
10047H_COMP_4_SN_PPain was sometimes or never well controlled
10048H_COMP_4_U_PPain was usually well controlled
10049H_QUIET_HSP_A_PPatient's Room Always Kept Quiet At Night
10050H_QUIET_HSP_SN_PPatients room sometimes or never kept quiet at night
10051H_QUIET_HSP_U_PPatients room usually kept quiet at night
10052H_CLEAN_HSP_A_PPatient's Room and Bathroom Always Kept Clean
10053H_CLEAN_HSP_SN_PPatients room and bathrooms sometimes or never kept clean
10054H_CLEAN_HSP_U_PPatients room and bathrooms usually kept clean
10055H_COMP_6_N_PPatients not given information about recovery at home
10056H_COMP_6_Y_PPatients Given Information About Recovery At Home
10057H_RECMND_DNPatients would probably not recommend this hospital to friends and family
10058H_RECMND_DYPatients Would Definitely Recommend This Hospital to Friends and Family
10059H_RECMND_PYPatients would probably recommend this hospital to friends and family
10699COMP_10046_10040_10043Pain controlled, staff helpful, medicines explained.
17154H_COMP_7_APatients who "Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital
17155H_COMP_7_D_SDPatients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" they understood their care when they left the hospital
17156H_COMP_7_SAPatients who "Strongly Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital
17161COMP_HCAHPSPatient Satisfaction Composite
16500ComplaintsTotalTotal Complaints Received
16501ComplaintsPer10KdaysComplaints per 10,000 patient days
16502ComplaintsReviewedComplaints Reviewed
16503ComplaintsCitedComplaints reviewed resulting in citations
16504ComplaintsCitedPercentPercentage of complaints reviewed resulting in citations


Home Health Experience Measures

17048HH36Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family
17049HH35Patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest)
17050HH32Patients who reported that their home health team gave care in a professional way
17051HH33Patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them
17052HH34Patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them
17121HH_COMP_PEOverall Patient Experience


MCO Experience Measures

16270MCO_GCQCCGetting Care Quickly Composite - Child
16271MCO_GCQCAGetting Care Quickly Composite - Adult
16272MCO_CSCCCustomer Service Composite - Child
16273MCO_CSCACustomer Service Composite - Adult
16274MCO_RHPCHow do you rate your health plan -child
16275MCO_RHPAHow do you rate your health plan - adult
16276MCO_SIICSurvey Item: How often did your health plan's customer service give you the information or help you needed?-Child
16277MCO_SIIASurvey Item: How often did your health plan's customer service give you the information or help you needed?-Adult

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