Comparator Entities

Comparator Entities

This table contains information on entities that are considered calculations.  For details on the difference between a calculated average and a threshold, please see Calculation Average Vs Threshold Values


104926National Average
108003National Average Safety Net Hospitals
108004National Average Teaching Hospitals
108005National Average Rural Hospitals
108006National Average Academic Medical Centers
108007National Average For profit
108008National Average Government Non-Federal
108009National Average Not-for-profit Private
108010National Average Government
196160National Average of System Hospitals
196161National Average of Non-System Hospitals
197167National Average of IDS Hospitals
197168National Average of Non-IDS Hospitals
205925Average of hospitals with 0-50 beds
205926Average of hospitals with 51-100 beds
205927Average of hospitals with 101-200 beds
205928Average of hospitals with 201-300 beds
205929Average of hospitals with 300 or more beds



154312National Maximum
154311National Minimum
151030National top 1%
151031National top 10%
151032National top 25%
185753National top 5%
151033National top 50%
151034National top 75%
151035National top 90%
205996Alabama State top 10%
206050Alaska State top 10%
206051American Samoa top 10%
205998Arizona State top 10%
205997Arkansas State top 10%
205999California State top 10%
206000Colorado State top 10%
206001Connecticut State top 10%
206003Delaware State top 10%
206002District of Columbia top 10%
206004Florida State top 10%
206005Georgia State top 10%
206006Guam top 10%
206007Hawaii State top 10%
206009Idaho State top 10%
206010Illinois State top 10%
206011Indiana State top 10%
206008Iowa State top 10%
206012Kansas State top 10%
206013Kentucky State top 10%
206014Louisiana State top 10%
206017Maine State top 10%
206049Mariana Islands top 10%
206016Maryland State top 10%
206015Massachusetts State top 10%
206018Michigan State top 10%
206019Minnesota State top 10%
206021Mississippi State top 10%
206020Missouri State top 10%
206022Montana State top 10%
206025Nebraska State top 10%
206029Nevada State top 10%
206026New Hampshire State top 10%
206027New Jersey State top 10%
206028New Mexico State top 10%
206030New York State top 10%
206023North Carolina State top 10%
206024North Dakota State top 10%
206031Ohio State top 10%
206032Oklahoma State top 10%
206033Oregon State top 10%
206034Pennsylvania State top 10%
206035Puerto Rico top 10%
206036Rhode Island State top 10%
206037South Carolina State top 10%
206038South Dakota State top 10%
206039Tennessee State top 10%
206040Texas State top 10%
206041Utah State top 10%
206044Vermont State top 10%
206043Virgin Islands top 10%
206042Virginia State top 10%
206045Washington State top 10%
206047West Virginia State top 10%
206046Wisconsin State top 10%
206048Wyoming State top 10%
151039Top 10% Academic Medical Centers
151040Top 10% For-Profit Hospitals
151043Top 10% Government Federal Hospitals
151041Top 10% Government Non-Federal Hospitals
151042Top 10% Not-for-profit Private Hospitals
205935Top 10% of hospitals with 0-50 beds
205937Top 10% of hospitals with 101-200 beds
205938Top 10% of hospitals with 201-300 beds
205939Top 10% of hospitals with 300 or more beds
205936Top 10% of hospitals with 51-100 beds
151038Top 10% RuralHospitals
151036Top 10% Safety Net Hospitals
151037Top 10% Teaching Hospitals

Threshold Entities


151030National top 1%
151031National top 10%
151032National top 25%
151033National top 50%
151034National top 75%
151035National top 90%
151036Top 10% Safety Net Hospitals
151037Top 10% Teaching Hospitals
151038Top 10% RuralHospitals
151039Top 10% Academic Medical Centers
151040Top 10% For-Profit Hospitals
151041Top 10% Government Non-Federal Hospitals
151042Top 10% Not-for-profit Private Hospitals
151043Top 10% Government Federal Hospitals
154311National Minimum
154312National Maximum
185753National top 5%
205935Top 10% of hospitals with 0-50 beds
205936Top 10% of hospitals with 51-100 beds
205937Top 10% of hospitals with 101-200 beds
205938Top 10% of hospitals with 201-300 beds
205939Top 10% of hospitals with 300 or more beds
205996Alabama State top 10%
205997Arkansas State top 10%
205998Arizona State top 10%
205999California State top 10%
206000Colorado State top 10%
206001Connecticut State top 10%
206002District of Columbia top 10%
206003Delaware State top 10%
206004Florida State top 10%
206005Georgia State top 10%
206006Guam top 10%
206007Hawaii State top 10%
206008Iowa State top 10%
206009Idaho State top 10%
206010Illinois State top 10%
206011Indiana State top 10%
206012Kansas State top 10%
206013Kentucky State top 10%
206014Louisiana State top 10%
206015Massachusetts State top 10%
206016Maryland State top 10%
206017Maine State top 10%
206018Michigan State top 10%
206019Minnesota State top 10%
206020Missouri State top 10%
206021Mississippi State top 10%
206022Montana State top 10%
206023North Carolina State top 10%
206024North Dakota State top 10%
206025Nebraska State top 10%
206026New Hampshire State top 10%
206027New Jersey State top 10%
206028New Mexico State top 10%
206029Nevada State top 10%
206030New York State top 10%
206031Ohio State top 10%
206032Oklahoma State top 10%
206033Oregon State top 10%
206034Pennsylvania State top 10%
206035Puerto Rico top 10%
206036Rhode Island State top 10%
206037South Carolina State top 10%
206038South Dakota State top 10%
206039Tennessee State top 10%
206040Texas State top 10%
206041Utah State top 10%
206042Virginia State top 10%
206043Virgin Islands top 10%
206044Vermont State top 10%
206045Washington State top 10%
206046Wisconsin State top 10%
206047West Virginia State top 10%
206048Wyoming State top 10%
206049Mariana Islands top 10%
206050Alaska State top 10%
206051American Samoa top 10%