Census Measures
Census Measures
US Census Measures are collected by the US Census Bureau and primarily report on population measures. They are reported at the area-level and are generally reported by county and state
Acquiring data on All US Census Measures
select a.* from entity_values as a, measure_groups_measures as b
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and a.entity_id = ######
and b.measure_group_id = 120
measure_id | description_friendly | author_measure_id |
10890 | The total population with active military status standardized by the total population of the region | USCensus_1 |
10891 | The total veterans in a given region standardized by the population of that region | USCensus_2 |
10892 | Percentage of the population that is unemployed and seeking employment | USCensus_3 |
10893 | Percentage of population that has received a high school diploma or equivalent | USCensus_4 |
10894 | Percentage of population that has received a Bachelors degree | USCensus_5 |
10895 | Percentage of population that is considered below the poverty level | USCensus_6 |
10896 | The middle point of regional income | USCensus_7 |
10897 | Percentage of population of white descent | USCensus_8 |
10898 | Percentage of population of black descent | USCensus_9 |
10899 | Percentage of population of asian descent | USCensus_10 |
10900 | Percentage of population of latino or hispanic descent | USCensus_11 |
10901 | Percentage of population of other descent | USCensus_12 |
10902 | Rate of birth for a given region | USCensus_13 |
10903 | Rate of death for a given region | USCensus_14 |
10904 | Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 | USCensus_15 |
10905 | Percentage of population aged 18 to 24 | USCensus_16 |
10906 | Percentage of population aged 25 to 34 | USCensus_17 |
10907 | Percentage of population aged 35 to 49 | USCensus_18 |
10908 | Percentage of population aged 50 to 64 | USCensus_19 |
10909 | Percentage of population aged 65 and over | USCensus_20 |
10911 | Total square mileage within a region | USCensus_22 |
10912 | Population of a region divided by the regional square mileage | USCensus_23 |
10913 | Percentage of Non hispanic or Latino population who report themselves as two or more races or ethnicities | USCensus_24 |
10914 | Median age of the total population | USCensus_25 |
10915 | Median age of the male population | USCensus_26 |
10916 | Median age of the female population | USCensus_27 |
10917 | Percent of males aged 0 to 17 | USCensus_28 |
10918 | Percent of males aged 18 to 24 | USCensus_29 |
10919 | Percent of males aged 25 to 34 | USCensus_30 |
10920 | Percent of males aged 35 to 49 | USCensus_31 |
10921 | Percent of males aged 50 to 64 | USCensus_32 |
10922 | Percent of males aged 65 and over | USCensus_33 |
10923 | Percent of females aged 0 to 17 | USCensus_34 |
10924 | Percent of females aged 18 to 24 | USCensus_35 |
10925 | Percent of females aged 25 to 34 | USCensus_36 |
10926 | Percent of females aged 35 to 49 | USCensus_37 |
10927 | Percent of females aged 50 to 64 | USCensus_38 |
10928 | Percent of females aged 65 and over | USCensus_39 |
10929 | The count of households within a predetermined region | USCensus_40 |
10930 | The amount of households with a given income under 20,000* | USCensus_41 |
10931 | The amount of households within a given income $20,000 to $39,999* | USCensus_42 |
10932 | The amount of households within a given income $40,000 to $59,999* | USCensus_43 |
10933 | The amount of households within a given income $60,000 to $74,999* | USCensus_44 |
10934 | The amount of households within a given income $750,00 to $99,999* | USCensus_45 |
10935 | The amount of households within a given income $100,000 to $149,999* | USCensus_46 |
10936 | The amount of households within a given income $150,000 to $199,999* | USCensus_47 |
10937 | The amount of households within a given income $200,000 or more | USCensus_48 |
10938 | The percent of people below the poverty level as reported in 1999 | USCensus_49 |
10939 | The percent of people who are under 18 and below the poverty level as reported in 1999 | USCensus_50 |
10940 | The percent of people who are over 65 and below the poverty level as reported in 1999 | USCensus_51 |
10941 | The percent of people who below 50% of the poverty level as reported in 1999 | USCensus_52 |
10942 | The percent of population who are 18 years of age or over | USCensus_53 |
10943 | The percent of population who are 16 years of age or over | USCensus_54 |
10944 | The percent of population who are 16 years of age or over and in the labor force | USCensus_55 |
10945 | The percent of population who are 25 years of age or over | USCensus_56 |
10946 | The percent of the population that is over 25 with no high school diploma but some high school education | USCensus_57 |
10947 | The percent of the population that is over 25 with no college degree but some college education | USCensus_58 |
10948 | The percent of the population that is over 25 with a Graduate Degree | USCensus_59 |
10949 | The rate of infant deaths per 1000 births as reported in 2006 | USCensus_60 |
10955 | Percent of male population standardized by the total population of the region | USCensus_61 |
10956 | Percent of female population standardized by the total population of the region | USCensus_62 |
10957 | The total population for a given region | USCensus_63 |
*standardized by the total households within a predetermined region