



The entity_practices table contains information on the practices reported in RDE and BTE files. The table is updated monthly. It contains details on the practice and its operating specifications. The entity_id field links to the entities, having the same id existing in both tables and acting as a key.  The entity_id also acts as a link to the entity_practice_attributes and entity_practice_overrides tables.

 The practice_id field in entity_physicians is used to link physicians to their entity_practice, similar to the link between entity_hospitals and entity_systems.

EDIT: The entity_physicians table is no longer updated monthly from RDE and BTE files.  Instead we are looking to use quarterly CMS physicians Database updates to edit this table in the future

Table Creation

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `entity_practices` (
`entity_id` int(20) NOT NULL,
`upin_id` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`npi_id` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`dea_id` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`rde_id` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`tax_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`med_license_id` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`practice_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`state` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`state_fips` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`zipcode` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
`county_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`county_fips` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone_number` varchar(46) DEFAULT NULL,
`closed_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
`created` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`modified` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL


Field Information

`entity_id` the identifying entity number. Same as entity_id in the entities  and serves as a link
`upin_id` alternative to the npi_id. Given as an identifier
`npi_id` national provider number derived from https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
`dea_id` identification number provided by the DEA
`rde_id` identifying RDE number for the administrative physician for the
practice. Links to [[entity_physicians]] table
`tax_id` the tax identification number associated with this practice
`med_license_id` medical license identification number
`address` physical location of the establishment
`state` the two-letter state abbreviation
'PA','PR','RI','SC','SD','TN','TX','US','UT','VA','VI','VT','WA','WI','WV','WY'). Default is null and national entities have a state code of 'US'
`state_fips` FIPS state code, taken from AHA Annual Survey
`county_fips` FIPS county code, taken from AHA Annual Survey
`closed_date` date the physician record was closed in YYYY-MM-DD format
`created` date and time the row was created in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
`modified` date and time the row was modified in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Can be set


entity_practices.entity_idint(20)UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENTProvided by Pellucid, FOREIGN KEY: links to entities table1219198502
entity_practices.upin_idvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLUnique Physician Identification NumberI12345
entity_practices.npi_idvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLDerived from Government registry1918445361
entity_practices.dea_idvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLDEA Registration NumberBS1234567
entity_practices.rde_idvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULL 1234567890
entity_practices.tax_idvarchar(20)DEFAULT NULLPractice's Employer ID Number123456789
entity_practices.med_license_idvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLMedical License NumberMD12345
entity_practices.practice_namevarchar(255)DEFAULT NULLThe Name of the PracticeTom's Rhinoplasty
entity_practices.addressvarchar(255)DEFAULT NULLPhysical Location123 Fake St
entity_practices.cityvarchar(255)DEFAULT NULLPhysical LocationLake Success
entity_practices.statevarchar(2)DEFAULT NULLTwo-letter state abbreviationNY
entity_practices.state_fipsvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLNationally defined09
entity_practices.zipcodevarchar(5)DEFAULT NULLFive Digit Postal Code11042
entity_practices.county_namevarchar(30)DEFAULT NULLPhysical LocationNassau
entity_practices.county_fipsvarchar(10)DEFAULT NULLDetermined by state056
entity_practices.phone_numbervarchar(46)DEFAULT NULLTelephone Number5165550123
entity_practices.closed_datedateDEFAULT NULLDate of closure YYYY-MM-DD2001-01-24
entity_practices.createdtimestampDEFAULT NULLThe date and time the row was created2014-07-18 09:15:36
entity_practices.modifiedtimestampDEFAULT NULLThe date and time the row was last modified2014-07-18 09:15:36