The entity_dialysis_facilities table contains information on the entities that are considered dialysis facilities. It contains details on the facility and its operating specifications. The entity_id field links to the entities table, having the same id existing in both tables and acting as a key.
Dialiysis Facilities are linked to the treatment of End Stage Renal Disease patients and the table is used to help track useful measures associated with this type of facility.
Table Creation
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `entity_dialysis_facilities` (
`entity_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`mpn_id` varchar(7) DEFAULT NULL,
`local_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`network_id` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`aka` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`state` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`state_fips` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`zipcode` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`county_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`county_fips` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone_number` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`ownership` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`chain` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`chain_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`certified_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
`closed_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
`created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`modified` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Field Information
`entity_id` the identifying entity number. Same as entity_id in the entities table, and serves as a link
`mpn_id` is the identifying number derived from Medicare and CMS data
`local_id`identifying code number assigned by the state or reporting entity
`network_id` code to identify the network in the network directory lookup
`name` formal business name as used by the primary reporting entity
`aka` secondary name given by another source (generally state)
`address` facility location
`state` the two-letter state abbreviation ('AK','AL','AR','AZ','CA','CO','CT','DC','DE','FL','GA','GU','HI','IA','ID','IL',
`state_fips` 2 digit fips code used for state identification
`county_fips` 3 digit fips code used for county identification
`ownership` the nature of how the entity operates. Not for Profit or For Profit
`chain` binary field that records if the facility is part of a chain. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
`chain_name` name given to the chain of facilities
`certified_date` when the facility was originally certified to operate
`closed_date` if and when the facility was closed
`created` timestamp of when this entry was created in the database
`modified` timestamp of the last time this row was modified
field | type | attributes | notes | example |
entity_dialysis_facilities.entity_id | int(10) | UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT | Provided by Pellucid, FOREIGN KEY: links to entities table | 210314 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.mpn_id | varchar(7) | DEFAULT NULL | Provided by CMS Data | 100009 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.local_id | Varchar(20) | DEFAULT NULL | Provided by state or secondary reporting entity | 1234 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.network_id | Varchar(2) | DEFAULT NULL | Links to Network Directory | 18 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.name | Varchar(255) | DEFAULT NULL | Defined by CMS | AGUADILLA DIALYSIS CENTER |
entity_dialysis_facilities.aka | Varchar(255) | DEFAULT NULL | Defined by secondary reporting entity | FMC AGUADILLA DIALYSIS CENTER |
entity_dialysis_facilities.address | Varchar(255) | DEFAULT NULL | Physical Location | 132 Real Drive |
entity_dialysis_facilities.city | Varchar(64) | DEFAULT NULL | Forest Hills | |
entity_dialysis_facilities.state | Varchar(2) | DEFAULT NULL | 2 character abbreviation for state | NY |
entity_dialysis_facilities.state_fips | Varchar(2) | DEFAULT NULL | Nationally defined | 36 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.zipcode | Varchar(10) | DEFAULT NULL | 11375 | |
entity_dialysis_facilities.county_name | Varchar(64) | DEFAULT NULL | Cook | |
entity_dialysis_facilities.county_fips | Varchar(3) | DEFAULT NULL | Nationally defined | 125 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.phone_number | Varchar(20) | DEFAULT NULL | 5161234567890 | |
entity_dialysis_facilities.ownership | Varchar(64) | DEFAULT NULL | Owner/operator type | For Profit |
entity_dialysis_facilities.chain | Tinyint(1) | DEFAULT NULL | 0=N 1=Y | 1 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.chain_name | Varchar(255) | DEFAULT NULL | Name given to the chain | Super Dialysis Centers of America |
entity_dialysis_facilities.certified_date | date | DEFAULT NULL | Date of certification | 2001-01-01 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.closed_date | date | DEFAULT NULL | Date of closure | 2013-12-31 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.created | datetime | DEFAULT NULL | Time of row creation | 2015-02-01 12:23:34 |
entity_dialysis_facilities.modified | timestamp | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Time of most recent modification | 2015-02-01 12:23:34 |