HCAHPS measures are percentage measures that track patient satisfaction with their hospital experience. They are released by CMS and document how favorably patients view their time at a hospital. Generally, measures are split up into 3 similar measures, such as 'Room ALWAYS kept clean', 'Room USUALLY kept clean', and 'Room SOMETIMES kept clean' and are associated with a numeric value between 1 and 10, with 10 being high.
This data is a Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems that gets updated quarterly. It is dissimilar to other measures in the CMS Quarterly update because it is all-payer data. Data is available from Q3 2006 onward at the hospital, county, HRR, state and national levels. Reference: http://www.hcahpsonline.org/home.aspx
Helpful Queries
Acquiring data on All Patient Satisfaction Measures
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and b.measure_group_id = 4
Acquiring data on 'Always' Patient Satisfaction Measures (used commonly by Whynotthebest and NYprofiles)
where a.measure_id = b.measure_id
and b.measure_group_id = 13
measure_id | name_internal | author_measure_id |
10029 | How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 6 or lower. | H_HSP_RATING_0_6 |
10030 | How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 7 or 8. | H_HSP_RATING_7_8 |
10031 | How do patients rate the hospital overall? Patients who gave a rating of 9 or 10. | H_HSP_RATING_9_10 |
10034 | How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors always communicated well | H_COMP_2_A_P |
10035 | How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors sometimes or never communicated well | H_COMP_2_SN_P |
10036 | How often did doctors communicate well with patients? Doctors usually communicated well | H_COMP_2_U_P |
10037 | How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses always communicated well | H_COMP_1_A_P |
10038 | How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses sometimes or never communicated well | H_COMP_1_SN_P |
10039 | How often did nurses communicate well with patients? Nurses usually communicated well | H_COMP_1_U_P |
10040 | How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients always received help as soon as they wanted | H_COMP_3_A_P |
10041 | How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients sometimes or never received help as soon as they wanted | H_COMP_3_SN_P |
10042 | How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? Patients usually received help as soon as they wanted | H_COMP_3_U_P |
10043 | How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff always explained | H_COMP_5_A_P |
10044 | How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff sometimes or never explained | H_COMP_5_SN_P |
10045 | How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? Staff usually explained | H_COMP_5_U_P |
10046 | How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was always well controlled | H_COMP_4_A_P |
10047 | How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was sometimes or never well controlled | H_COMP_4_SN_P |
10048 | How often was patients pain well controlled? Pain was usually well controlled | H_COMP_4_U_P |
10049 | How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Always quiet at night | H_QUIET_HSP_A_P |
10050 | How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Sometimes or never quiet at night | H_QUIET_HSP_SN_P |
10051 | How often was the area around patients rooms kept quiet at night? Usually quiet at night | H_QUIET_HSP_U_P |
10052 | How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was always clean | H_CLEAN_HSP_A_P |
10053 | How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was sometimes or never clean | H_CLEAN_HSP_SN_P |
10054 | How often were the patients rooms and bathrooms kept clean? Room was usually clean | H_CLEAN_HSP_U_P |
10055 | Were patients given information about what to do during their recovery at home? No, staff did not give patients the information | H_COMP_6_N_P |
10056 | Were patients given information about what to do during their recovery at home? Yes, staff did give patients this information | H_COMP_6_Y_P |
10057 | Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? No, patients would not recommend the hospital (they probably would not or definitely would not recommend it). | H_RECMND_DN |
10058 | Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? Yes, patients would definitely recommend the hospital | H_RECMND_DY |
10059 | Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? Yes, patients would probably recommend the hospital | H_RECMND_PY |
17154 | Patients who "Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital | COMP_HCAHPS |
17155 | Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" they understood their care when they left the hospital | H_COMP_7_D_SD |
17156 | Patients who "Strongly Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital | H_COMP_7_SA |
17200 | Summary Star Rating | H_STAR_RATING |