Observed to Expected Ratios are used to compared the actual occurrences of an event to the predicted occurrences of the event. In pellucid, OE ratios are calculated for the value field, and the numerator becomes the Observed count, while the denominator becomes the Expected count. Mathematically, an OE ratio greater than 1 indicates that more instances took place than were predicted, while an OE ratio of less than one indicates that less incidents took place compared to what was expected. These measures |
may be compared to state or national averages, which is then used to populate sig_var_state or sig_var_nation SQL to locate these measures: . All Observed to Expected Ratio Measuresselect a.measure_id, a.author_measure_id, a.name_friendly from measures |
as a, measure_groups_measures as b where a.measure_id = b.measure_id and b.measure_group_id = 25 .