Hospital Experience Measures:
measure_id | author_measure_id | name_friendly |
10029 | H_HSP_RATING_0_6 | Overall Rating of 6 or lower |
10030 | H_HSP_RATING_7_8 | Overall Rating of 7 or 8 |
10031 | H_HSP_RATING_9_10 | Percent of Patients Highly Satisfied |
10034 | H_COMP_2_A_P | Doctors Always Communicated Well |
10035 | H_COMP_2_SN_P | Doctors sometimes or never communicated well |
10036 | H_COMP_2_U_P | Doctors usually communicated well |
10037 | H_COMP_1_A_P | Nurses Always Communicated Well |
10038 | H_COMP_1_SN_P | Nurses sometimes or never communicated well |
10039 | H_COMP_1_U_P | Nurses usually communicated well |
10040 | H_COMP_3_A_P | Patients Always Received Help As Soon As They Wanted |
10041 | H_COMP_3_SN_P | Patients sometimes or never received help as soon as they wanted |
10042 | H_COMP_3_U_P | Patients usually received help as soon as they wanted |
10043 | H_COMP_5_A_P | Staff Always Explained About Medicines |
10044 | H_COMP_5_SN_P | Staff sometimes or never explained about medicines |
10045 | H_COMP_5_U_P | Staff usually explained about medicines |
10046 | H_COMP_4_A_P | Pain Was Always Well Controlled |
10047 | H_COMP_4_SN_P | Pain was sometimes or never well controlled |
10048 | H_COMP_4_U_P | Pain was usually well controlled |
10049 | H_QUIET_HSP_A_P | Patient's Room Always Kept Quiet At Night |
10050 | H_QUIET_HSP_SN_P | Patients room sometimes or never kept quiet at night |
10051 | H_QUIET_HSP_U_P | Patients room usually kept quiet at night |
10052 | H_CLEAN_HSP_A_P | Patient's Room and Bathroom Always Kept Clean |
10053 | H_CLEAN_HSP_SN_P | Patients room and bathrooms sometimes or never kept clean |
10054 | H_CLEAN_HSP_U_P | Patients room and bathrooms usually kept clean |
10055 | H_COMP_6_N_P | Patients not given information about recovery at home |
10056 | H_COMP_6_Y_P | Patients Given Information About Recovery At Home |
10057 | H_RECMND_DN | Patients would probably not recommend this hospital to friends and family |
10058 | H_RECMND_DY | Patients Would Definitely Recommend This Hospital to Friends and Family |
10059 | H_RECMND_PY | Patients would probably recommend this hospital to friends and family |
10699 | COMP_10046_10040_10043 | Pain controlled, staff helpful, medicines explained. |
17154 | H_COMP_7_A | Patients who "Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital |
17155 | H_COMP_7_D_SD | Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" they understood their care when they left the hospital |
17156 | H_COMP_7_SA | Patients who "Strongly Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital |
17161 | COMP_HCAHPS | Patient Satisfaction Composite |
16500 | ComplaintsTotal | Total Complaints Received |
16501 | ComplaintsPer10Kdays | Complaints per 10,000 patient days |
16502 | ComplaintsReviewed | Complaints Reviewed |
16503 | ComplaintsCited | Complaints reviewed resulting in citations |
16504 | ComplaintsCitedPercent | Percentage of complaints reviewed resulting in citations |
Home Health Experience Measures
measure_id | author_measure_id | name_friendly |
17048 | HH36 | Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family |
17049 | HH35 | Patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) |
17050 | HH32 | Patients who reported that their home health team gave care in a professional way |
17051 | HH33 | Patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them |
17052 | HH34 | Patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them |
17121 | HH_COMP_PE | Overall Patient Experience |
MCO Experience Measures
measure_id | author_measure_id | name_friendly |
16270 | MCO_GCQCC | Getting Care Quickly Composite - Child |
16271 | MCO_GCQCA | Getting Care Quickly Composite - Adult |
16272 | MCO_CSCC | Customer Service Composite - Child |
16273 | MCO_CSCA | Customer Service Composite - Adult |
16274 | MCO_RHPC | How do you rate your health plan -child |
16275 | MCO_RHPA | How do you rate your health plan - adult |
16276 | MCO_SIIC | Survey Item: How often did your health plan's customer service give you the information or help you needed?-Child |
16277 | MCO_SIIA | Survey Item: How often did your health plan's customer service give you the information or help you needed?-Adult |