This table contains data on the sources that provide information to populate the entity_values table; its primary key is the source_id. Each data point in the entity_values table can be linked to a source from this table.
Fieldsfield type attributes notes example source_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Provided by Pellucid 1234 title text NOT NULL Provided by source New Jersey Department of Health update_frequency enum('triennial','biennial','annual','quarterly','monthly','weekly','daily','hourly','ondemand','unknown') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown' Determined by IPRO annual update_type enum('rolling','append','snapshot') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'rolling' Determined by IPRO rolling geo_coverage enum('world','us','state','county','city','zip','facility') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'world' Provided by source world file_format enum('csv','fixedlength','xls','mdb','sql') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'world' Provided by source world provider_coverage enum('h','nh','hh','po','cc') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'h' Provided by source h provider_payor enum('allpayor','medicare','medicaid','private','other') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'allpayor' Provided by source allpayor owner text NOT NULL Provided by source NJ Department of Health Data owner_public_url text NOT NULL owner_data_url text NOT NULL short_desc text NOT NULL Produced by IPRO The department of health for state X long_desc text NOT NULL Produced by IPRO The department of health for state X. Chartered and operated by soandso, they are responsible for... pellucid_loc text NOT NULL Provided by IPRO dua_url text NOT NULL acquisition_contact_name text NOT NULL Determined by IPRO John Smith acquisition_contact_email text NOT NULL Determined by IPRO jsmith@doh.statex acquisition_contact_telephone text NOT NULL Determined by IPRO 1235550001 created timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' Date the row was created in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format 2009-01-24 13:52:39 modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Date the row was last edited in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format 2009-03-14 09:08:12
field | type | attributes | notes | example |
source_id | int(11) | NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT | Provided by Pellucid | 1234 |
title | text | NOT NULL | Provided by source | New Jersey Department of Health |
update_frequency | enum('triennial','biennial','annual','quarterly','monthly','weekly','daily','hourly','ondemand','unknown') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown' | Determined by IPRO | annual |
update_type | enum('rolling','append','snapshot') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'rolling' | Determined by IPRO | rolling |
geo_coverage | enum('world','us','state','county','city','zip','facility') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'world' | Provided by source | world |
file_format | enum('csv','fixedlength','xls','mdb','sql') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'world' | Provided by source | world |
provider_coverage | enum('h','nh','hh','po','cc') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'h' | Provided by source | h |
provider_payor | enum('allpayor','medicare','medicaid','private','other') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'allpayor' | Provided by source | allpayor |
owner | text | NOT NULL | Provided by source | NJ Department of Health Data |
owner_public_url | text | NOT NULL | | |
owner_data_url | text | NOT NULL | ||
short_desc | text | NOT NULL | Produced by IPRO | The department of health for state X |
long_desc | text | NOT NULL | Produced by IPRO | The department of health for state X. Chartered and operated by soandso, they are responsible for... |
pellucid_loc | text | NOT NULL | Provided by IPRO | |
dua_url | text | NOT NULL | | |
acquisition_contact_name | text | NOT NULL | Determined by IPRO | John Smith |
acquisition_contact_email | text | NOT NULL | Determined by IPRO | jsmith@doh.statex |
acquisition_contact_telephone | text | NOT NULL | Determined by IPRO | 1235550001 |
created | timestamp | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' | Date the row was created in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format | 2009-01-24 13:52:39 |
modified | timestamp | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, | Date the row was last edited in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format | 2009-03-14 09:08:12 |