field | type | attributes | notes | example |
measure_id | int(11) | NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT | provided by Pellucid | 123456 |
author_id | int(11) | DEFAULT NULL | Who wrote this measure? If a measure is edited or changed in any way from an original spec, a new measure is created and the editor is listed as the author. | 123456 |
parent_id | int(11) | DEFAULT NULL | Reserved for future relationship mapping | 123456 |
name_friendly | text | DEFAULT NULL | Consumer-friendly name of the measure | Aspirin on Arrival |
name_official | text | DEFAULT NULL | The author's name for the measure | AMI-1 Aspirin at Arrival--Hospital |
name_internal | text | DEFAULT NULL | Pellucid's internal name, often the exact same as name_official. Used primarily for disambiguation where multiple measures share an official name or are similar. | AMI-1 Aspirin at Arrival--Hospital |
description_friendly | text | DEFAULT NULL | Friendly description of what this measure measures. | Heart attack patients who received aspirin within 24 hours before or after arriving at hospital |
description_official | text | DEFAULT NULL | Official measure description from the author. | Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients without aspirin contraindications who received aspirin within 24 hours before or after hospital arrival |
author_measure_id | text | DEFAULT NULL | If the author uses unique measure ids, capture it here. | AMI-1 |
author_measure_specs | text | DEFAULT NULL | Local file reference to the measure specifications for this measure. | ami-1.pdf |
rationale_long | text | DEFAULT NULL | Usually gleaned from the measure spec, this rationale is intended for researchers and clinicians. | The early use of aspirin in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) results in a significant reduction in adverse events and subsequent mortality. Aspirin therapy provides a percent reduction in mortality that is comparable to thrombolytic therapy and the combination provides additive benefit for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (ISIS-2, 1988) and is also effective in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (Theroux, 1988 and RISC Group, 1990). National guidelines strongly recommend early aspirin for patients hospitalized with AMI (Antman, 2004). |
rationale_friendly | text | DEFAULT NULL | A consumer-friendly rationale for improving and/or reporting the measure. | When hospitals follow proven guidelines, patients get better and safer care and, in this case, that can mean fewer people die from their heart attacks. |
evidence | enum('more is better','less is better','no evidence','no difference','within_range_is_better') | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no evidence' | For every measure Pellucid knows if there is literature-based evidence that moving the numbers for this measure in either direction is favourable, or if the evidence has shown the measure to be inconsequential.
| more is better |
measure_type | enum('process','outcome','access','experience','utilization','structure','population') | DEFAULT NULL | Defines the kind of measure used. Corresponds to the NQMC measure domains. | process |
default_unit | enum('percent','per 1000','per 100000','cases','ratio','days','hours','patients','dollars','na','minutes','people','square miles','years','households','per 100','per 10000','micrograms') | DEFAULT 'percent' | Denotes the standard unit for the measure | percent |
measure_incept_date | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' | When this measure was conceived or first used in the wild. In most instances this date will represent the earliest data available in Values for this measure. | 2004-04-01 |
measure_expiry_date | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' | When this measure was retired or otherwise expired by the author. All zeroes implies no expiration. | 0000-00-00 |
nqf_endorsed | enum('0','1') | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' | If the measure has been endorsed by NQF this field is set to '1' | 1 |
nqf_endorsed_date | date | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' | If the measure has been endorsed by NQF the endorsement date is captured here | 2003-09-01 |
numerator_definition | text | DEFAULT NULL | Primarily intended for contextual Web tooltip content, this definition clarifies the numerator. | Number of heart attack patients who received aspirin within 24 hours before or after arriving at hospital, calculated by multiplying the rate by the denominator. |
denominator_definition | text | DEFAULT NULL | Primarily intended for contextual Web tooltip content, this definition clarifies the denominator. | Number of heart attack patients who were eligible to receive aspirin within 24 hours before or after arriving at hospital. |
minimum_sample | int(11) | DEFAULT NULL | minimum sample for default analysis/interpretation of values | 30 |
created | timestamp | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' | Date of INSERT into Pellucid | 2009-10-11 12:42:23 |
modified | timestamp | NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Date of most recent UPDATE into Pellucid | 2010-02-12 23:42:45 |